Biodiv Sci ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (1): 24-33. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.10167
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Dunyan Tan
Li Wang, Dunyan Tan. Floral syndrome and secondary pollen presentation in Codonopsis clematidea(Campanulaceae)[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2011, 19(1): 24-33.
Fig. 1 Codonopsis clematidea flowering stages. (A) Anthers are closed around the style within the unopened bud; (B) Anthers disperse pollen onto the back of stigma lobes; (C) Pollens are deposited onto the stylar hairs via anthers and style separation; (D) End of pollen release; (E) Stigma lobes spreading; (F) Withered stigma and corolla showing end of anthesis. An, Anther; Es, External surface of still unexpanded stigma; Fi, Filament; Ne, Nectary; Po, Pollen; Sti, Stigma; Sty, Style. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Fig. 2 The course of successive stylar hairs invaginated in Codonopsis clematidea. (A) Unicellular hairs of the style within the unopened bud; (B) Pollens between hairs are exposed and released by successive invagination of hairs; (C) Dotted with pits formed by withdrawal of stylar hairs. Dw, Dotted with pits; Hi, Hair invaginating; Sh, Stylar hairs; Po, Pollen. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
Fig. 3 Pollen viability in Codonopsis clematidea(Mean±SE,n = 10). A, Beginning of dehiscence of anthers; B, End of dehiscence and beginning of pollen release; C-E, Pollen is released for 24 h (C), 48 h (D), and 72 h (E).
Fig. 4 The pollinators ofCodonopsis clematidea. A-C, Flowers in male phase; D-F, Flowers in female phase. A and D,Bombus silvarum; B and E,Dolichovespula sylvestris; C and F,B. paradoxus. Scale bar = 1 mm.
授粉处理 Pollination treatment | n | 座果率 Fruit-set (%) | 结籽率 Seed-set (%) |
(1) 不去雄套袋 Bagged without emasculation | 30 | 0a | 0a |
(2) 去雄套网袋 Emasculated and bagged with nylon net | 30 | 0a | 0a |
(3) 人工自花授粉 Artificial autogamy | 30 | 0a | 0a |
(4) 人工异株异花授粉 Artificial xenogamy | 30 | 73.3b | 83.7 ± 4.4 b |
(5) 自然授粉 Natural pollination | 30 | 66.7b | 80.6 ± 2.4 b |
Table 1 Effect of different pollination treatments on fruit set and seed set in Codonopsis clematidea(Mean ± SE)
授粉处理 Pollination treatment | n | 座果率 Fruit-set (%) | 结籽率 Seed-set (%) |
(1) 不去雄套袋 Bagged without emasculation | 30 | 0a | 0a |
(2) 去雄套网袋 Emasculated and bagged with nylon net | 30 | 0a | 0a |
(3) 人工自花授粉 Artificial autogamy | 30 | 0a | 0a |
(4) 人工异株异花授粉 Artificial xenogamy | 30 | 73.3b | 83.7 ± 4.4 b |
(5) 自然授粉 Natural pollination | 30 | 66.7b | 80.6 ± 2.4 b |
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