Biodiv Sci ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (11): 24361.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024361

• Special Feature: 2023 New Taxa Collection • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Annual review on fungi nomenclature novelties in China and around the world (2023) 

Ke Wang,Mingjun Zhao,Lei Cai*   

  1. Fungarium, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China

  • Received:2024-08-13 Revised:2024-08-18 Online:2024-11-20 Published:2024-12-27
  • Contact: Lei Cai


Aims: Compilations of biodiversity catalogs are of great significance for biodiversity research, resource protection, and social and economic development. However, due to rapid research progress, a large number of new species and distribution records are reported every year, which requires accurate methods to summarize the discoveries of new taxa, as well as update species checklists frequently.

Method: Taxonomic data for newly published fungal names were retrieved and analyzed from the Fungal Names nomenclatural repository.

Results: In 2023, 2,050 scholars published 4,372 new fungal names throughout the world, including 7 classes, 17 orders, 56 families and subfamilies, 316 genera and subgenera, 2,997 species and intraspecific taxa, 831 combinations, 33 replacement names and 115 other names. These new names belonged to 3 kingdoms, 13 phyla, 47 classes, 170 orders, 441 families and 1,342 genera, among which micro-ascomycetes received the most attention. These newly published 2,975 fungal species were discovered from 102 countries and regions throughout the world, with eastern and southern Asia as the most noticeable spot for novel species discovery. In particular, China remained the most imminent country for annual species discoveries (1,249 species) that accounts for 41.98% of the world’s total new species. Additionally, Chinese scholars led the world in research output on fungal taxonomy in 2023, where 548 Chinese scholars participated in the publications of 2,160 new fungal names to contribute to nearly half of the world’s total new names.

Conclusion: The total number of fungal nomenclature novelties published globally this year has decreased slightly compared to last year, but it still remains fluctuating upwards in line with the general trend of previous years. Except for China, Australia, Brazil, Thailand and the United States remain in the lead, Asian countries such as India, Japan and Pakistan have become the new hot spots of fungal research instead of European countries. Since 2021, the number of new names published by Chinese scholars, and the contribution ratio to the world have broken the historically record for consecutive two years.

Key words: taxonomy of fungi, author of new name, new taxa, locality of new species, China