Biodiv Sci ›› 2016, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (1): 85-94. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2015150
• Reviews • Previous Articles Next Articles
Zhao Bin
Shengqi Dai, Bin Zhao. Trends and challenges of ecosystem observations in the age of big data[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2016, 24(1): 85-94.
仪器名称 Instrument name | 测量参数 Measure parameters | 工作频率 Operating frequency | 数据流量 Data flow |
二氧化碳与水汽浓度测量仪 Carbon dioxide and vapor analyzer (LI-7500A) | CO2, 水汽浓度与气温等 Carbon dioxide, vapor solution, temperature, etc. | 每秒采集20次 Measure frequency at 20 Hz | 每秒15 KB 15 KB/s |
甲烷浓度测量仪 Methane analyzer (LI-7700) | CH4浓度 Methane solution in the air | 每秒采集50次 Measure frequency at 50 Hz | 每秒10 KB 10 KB/s |
Gill 风速测量仪 Gill windmaster Pro | 三维风速 3-dimensional wind speed | 每秒采集10-20次 Measure frequency at 10-20 Hz | 每秒5 KB 5 KB/s |
CMP3与PQS1辐射测量探头 CMP3 & PQS1 radiation sensor | 太阳辐射与光合有效辐射 Solar radiation & photosynthetic active radiation | 30分钟采集1次 Measure once per 30 minutes | 每天2 KB 2 KB/day |
109号土温测量探头 No. 109 soil temperature sensor | 多层土壤温度 Multi-layer soil temperature | 30分钟采集1次 Measure once per 30 minutes | 每天20 KB 20 KB/day |
物候观测摄像头 Phenological observation cameras | 站点周围物候变化 Phenological change around the station | 每天拍摄2次 Two shoots per day | 每天6 MB 6 MB/day |
复合数据采集器 Integrated data logger (CR5000, Li7550) | 收集所有仪器数据 Collection of all observation data | 每秒汇总10次 Collection frequency at 10 Hz | 每个月4 GB左右 Around 4 GB/month |
Table 1 Introduction to typical instruments carried by an eddy carbon flux observation tower, their measure parameters and data flux
仪器名称 Instrument name | 测量参数 Measure parameters | 工作频率 Operating frequency | 数据流量 Data flow |
二氧化碳与水汽浓度测量仪 Carbon dioxide and vapor analyzer (LI-7500A) | CO2, 水汽浓度与气温等 Carbon dioxide, vapor solution, temperature, etc. | 每秒采集20次 Measure frequency at 20 Hz | 每秒15 KB 15 KB/s |
甲烷浓度测量仪 Methane analyzer (LI-7700) | CH4浓度 Methane solution in the air | 每秒采集50次 Measure frequency at 50 Hz | 每秒10 KB 10 KB/s |
Gill 风速测量仪 Gill windmaster Pro | 三维风速 3-dimensional wind speed | 每秒采集10-20次 Measure frequency at 10-20 Hz | 每秒5 KB 5 KB/s |
CMP3与PQS1辐射测量探头 CMP3 & PQS1 radiation sensor | 太阳辐射与光合有效辐射 Solar radiation & photosynthetic active radiation | 30分钟采集1次 Measure once per 30 minutes | 每天2 KB 2 KB/day |
109号土温测量探头 No. 109 soil temperature sensor | 多层土壤温度 Multi-layer soil temperature | 30分钟采集1次 Measure once per 30 minutes | 每天20 KB 20 KB/day |
物候观测摄像头 Phenological observation cameras | 站点周围物候变化 Phenological change around the station | 每天拍摄2次 Two shoots per day | 每天6 MB 6 MB/day |
复合数据采集器 Integrated data logger (CR5000, Li7550) | 收集所有仪器数据 Collection of all observation data | 每秒汇总10次 Collection frequency at 10 Hz | 每个月4 GB左右 Around 4 GB/month |
Fig. 1 Sketch map for the sensor matrix that acquires data from nature. The sensor matrix contains multifunctional sensors which can efficiently fetch environmental data. For its high data collection speed, this data collection system has brought challenges to the downward data processing works.
Fig. 2 Global total data volume in contrast with the ability of data storage. Early in 2008, the data collected by sensors could not be completely stored (Baraniuk, 2011). It is estimated that the total data volume will be twice bigger than the storage ability in 2015.
项目名称 Project name | 数据库状态 Database status | |||
数据接口 Data portal | 开放获取 Open access | 引用规则 Citing rules | 整合数据集的关键元数据标签 The key metadata tag of data integration | |
长期生态学研究网络 The Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTER) | 单个接口 Single data portal | 完全开放 Completely open | 引用数据集DOI Cite the DOI of dataset | 站点名称, 数据包编号, 地理位置, 发布单位等 Site name, package identifier, spatial location, publisher name, etc. |
国家生态学观测网络 The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) | 单个接口 Single data portal | 完全开放 Completely open | 引用NEON名称 Cite the name of NEON | 日期, 站点名称, 行政州名, NEON地域划分, 数据集主题 Date, site name, state name, NEON domain, dataset subject |
全球生物多样性信息中心 Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) | 单个接口 Single data portal | 完全开放 Completely open | 引用数据集DOI Cite the DOI of dataset | 数据集名称, 关键词, 发布单位, 国家等 Dataset name, key words, publisher, country, etc. |
全球观测系统信息中心 Global Observing System Information System (GOSIC) | 多个接口 Multiple data portals | 部分开放 Partly open | 联系数据集发布者 Contact the dataset publisher | 子项目名称, 数据集名称 Name of the child project, name of dataset |
Table 2 Outstanding projects that intended to integrate multiple-source data
项目名称 Project name | 数据库状态 Database status | |||
数据接口 Data portal | 开放获取 Open access | 引用规则 Citing rules | 整合数据集的关键元数据标签 The key metadata tag of data integration | |
长期生态学研究网络 The Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTER) | 单个接口 Single data portal | 完全开放 Completely open | 引用数据集DOI Cite the DOI of dataset | 站点名称, 数据包编号, 地理位置, 发布单位等 Site name, package identifier, spatial location, publisher name, etc. |
国家生态学观测网络 The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) | 单个接口 Single data portal | 完全开放 Completely open | 引用NEON名称 Cite the name of NEON | 日期, 站点名称, 行政州名, NEON地域划分, 数据集主题 Date, site name, state name, NEON domain, dataset subject |
全球生物多样性信息中心 Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) | 单个接口 Single data portal | 完全开放 Completely open | 引用数据集DOI Cite the DOI of dataset | 数据集名称, 关键词, 发布单位, 国家等 Dataset name, key words, publisher, country, etc. |
全球观测系统信息中心 Global Observing System Information System (GOSIC) | 多个接口 Multiple data portals | 部分开放 Partly open | 联系数据集发布者 Contact the dataset publisher | 子项目名称, 数据集名称 Name of the child project, name of dataset |
Fig. 3 Traditional Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and the Internet of Ecology (IoE). In this figure, different types of circles stand for different types of sensors. Traditional WSNs have its data flow in hierarchical tree shape, with single data direction and function sensors inside. The IoE supports mutual communication between the sensors, these internet based sensors are equipped with comprehensive data processing functions, which can share information throughout the network, feedback regulate the parameters in measurement and pre-process the data.
Fig. 4 The life cycle of ecosystem observation data. The adoption of the IoE, citizen science, universal data format, social network for data open-access and the control system of data version can improve the life cycle of ecosystem observation data, which also builds a virtuous circle for the development of ecology.
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