Biodiv Sci ›› 2002, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (2): 196-201. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2002025
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WANG Cheng-Shu, HUANG Bo, WANG Si-Bao, FAN Mei-Zhen, LI Zeng-Zhi
Abstract: High diversities of micro-germination traits and macro colony growth characteristics proved to exist between different strains of Beauveria bassiana. After principal component analysis of these two index groups, the main micro-factors were determined to be the ratio of single germ tube germination spores, the average length of germ tubes and their length variance coefficient. The main macro-factors included colony color, colony base color, colony growth rate and the final pH value after growth in SDY liquid medium for 72 hours. No significant correlation was observed between the micro- and macro-main factor groups after canonical analysis ( p =0.1378). However among them, the colony growth rate was found to be significantly correlated with average germination tube length and the ratio of single germ tube germination spores. Based on the main factors of each strain, cluster analysis was performed to differentiate each of them into sub-groups. Each sub-group's diversity index was then calculated according to strain geographic origin and original parasitic insect host respectively. The results of comparing Shannon-Wiener diversity indices indicated that strains from the same geographic location had higher similarity than those with the same insect host order.
WANG Cheng-Shu, HUANG Bo, WANG Si-Bao, FAN Mei-Zhen, LI Zeng-Zhi. Diversity of culture characteristics of Beauveria bassiana and the analysis[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2002, 10(2): 196-201.
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