Biodiv Sci ›› 1997, Vol. 05 ›› Issue (4): 241-245.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.1997041

Special Issue: 土壤生物与土壤健康

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Preliminary studies on the soil microorganisms of degraded ecosystem in the Changjiang River Sanxia region

Wang Qibing, He Jinsheng, Chen Weilie   

  1. Institute of Botany , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing  100093
  • Received:1996-10-10 Revised:1996-12-24 Online:1997-11-20 Published:1997-11-20


Five soil samples were collected from main types of degraded ecosystem in the Sanxia region of Changjiang River for determining the amount and identifying the species of soil microorganisms. The results show that the amount of the fungi and the bacteria are 8.62×104~1.31×105 cfu/g and 1.547×107~6.957×107 cfu/g (based on the dry soil) respectively. But the amount of the two kinds of soil microorganisms are different among the degraded ecosystems, the amount of fungi is in the order of Quercus variabilis forest >Pinus massoniana forest >Pinus massoniana-Quercus variabilis  forest  >Cunninghamia lanceolata forest  and the amount of bacteria is in another order of Pinus massoniana-Quercus variabilis forest > Quercus variabilis forest >Pinus massoniana forest >Cunninghamia lanceolata  forest. According to fungi species identifying, the main fungi populations are Penicillium spp., Fusarium spp., Trihoderma spp. and Botrytis spp. etc. in soils of the studied areas.

Key words: animal-plant interaction, seed predation, plant population regeneration, Caragana