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    Volume 02 Issue 4
    20 November 1994
    The effects of human activities on large and middle mammals on the Zhoushan Islands——Analysis on the causes of their endangerment
    Li Yiming, Li Dianmo
    Biodiv Sci. 1994, 02 (4):  187-192.  doi:10.17520/biods.1994030
    Abstract ( 3384 )   PDF (462KB) ( 2336 )   Save
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    The main factors to threaten large  and middle mammals on Zhoushan Islands are area loss, fragmentation,quality descending  of the natural habitats  which are resulted from human activities and hunting.The arealoss of  the natural habitats has lost  56.3%. The natural habitats have been fragmented into manyfragments, and the fragmented degree has being deeped, and the quality of the natural habitats was declinedin 1912~1950. The threatened history of the large and middle can be divided into three periods.Before 1912 the large and middle mammals were threatened lighter; the middle and large mammals were threatened heavily in 1912~ 1950, and the main threatening factors were area loss, fragmentation andquality descending of the natural  habitats. The large and middle mammals also  have been threatened heavilyin 1950 - present, and the main threatening factors are the area loss and fragmentation of the natural habitats and hunting. The area loss, fragmentation and quality descending of the natural habitats haveimportant influences on the large and middle mammals extinction. The area loss and fragmentation of thenatural habitats and hunting are mainly responsible  for endanging, distribution reducing and populationdeclining of the large and middle mammals.  The social, political, economical factors and so on determine the rate of matural habitat area loss, fragmentation  and quality changes and hunting level.
    A survey on tbe habitats of rare and endangered aquatic plants in Hunan Province
    Wang Xiaofan, ChenJiakuan
    Biodiv Sci. 1994, 02 (4):  193-198.  doi:10.17520/biods.1994031
    Abstract ( 3473 )   PDF (397KB) ( 2381 )   Save
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    In Chaling County, Huna Province, Huli Marsh (26°50' N、113°40' E, 150m above sea level)was investigated.It is surrounded with hills and covers about 0. 15km2. 62 species of aquatic vascular plants were collected inthis marsh. Of which, more than 2 species are rare or endangered plants, they are: Oryza rufipogon,Ranalisma rostrata, etc. The total species or the rare and endangered apecies are more than those of the mostmembers of the marshs or lakes in China, which related to the complexity and stability of the habitat.Authors suggest that these rare or endangered plants and their habitat should be conserved.
    Investigations on culturable Hyphomycete resourees in Yunnan Province Ⅰ
    Kong Huazhong
    Biodiv Sci. 1994, 02 (4):  199-203.  doi:10.17520/biods.1994032
    Abstract ( 3319 )   PDF (389KB) ( 2002 )   Save
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    The resources of cultural Hyphomycetes in Yunnan Province had been investigated by the author in 1992.Four hundred and fourteen soil samples and other materials were collected for the isolations of cultural Hyphomycetes. A lot of isolates were obtained. The results researched shall have been reported continuously by the author.
    This paper report 8 taxa of Aspergillus: A.  penicilloides Spegazzni, A. fumigatus Fres. var. fumigatus, A.fumigatus var. ellipticus Raper & Fennell. A. viridinutans Ducler & Throuwer. A. clavatus Desmazieres, A. clavato-nanicus Batista et al.,  A. fumisynnematus Horie, and A.unguis (Emile-Weil & Gaudin)Thom & Raper.

    Special Issue
    Studies on fish diversity in plateau lakes Of the central Yunnan
    Yang Junxing, Chen Yinrui, He Yuanhui
    Biodiv Sci. 1994, 02 (4):  204-209.  doi:10.17520/biods.1994033
    Abstract ( 3658 )   PDF (391KB) ( 3160 )   Save
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    Based on some 1100 specimens collected since 1958, the correlationship between fish diversity and 7 environmental factors of 6 lakes of central Yunnan are statistically investigated by employing multivariate andmultinomial stepwise regression analysis. Investigation reveals that the first and second determinantscontrolling the species richness, numbers of genera and endemic species of lacustrine fishese are respectivelythe area of the lakes and length of shoreline. The length of shoreline is negatively correlated to the lacustrinefish diversity and the area positively to the lacustrine fish diversity. Length of shoreline and area are the mainmorphometric characters indicating the development stage of a lake. Therefore lacustrine fish diversity isactually controlled by the development of the lake. A lake in the prime period usually has a relatively largerarea, shorter shoreline and a more rich fish diversity than a lake in the late period does.
    Studies on the reproductive biology of Taihangia rapestris: I Analysis on the habitat of T. repestris
    ShenShihua, Lu Wenliang, Wang Fuhsiung
    Biodiv Sci. 1994, 02 (4):  210-212.  doi:10.17520/biods.1994034
    Abstract ( 3256 )   PDF (224KB) ( 3253 )   Save
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    Through the investigations on the geographical distribution of T. repestris, the habital factors of itsdistribution area,the results show that T. rupestris is strip--shaped distributed disjunctedly and sporadically inthe limestone regions of the eastern margin of Taihang mountain from 600 to 1500m in altitude, and it onlygrows in crevices of shadow slopes. where the climate is hot and rainy in the summer and dry and chilly inthe winter. There is a little soil in the crevices where T. rupestris grows. The soil is characterized by the lowwater-holding capacity, poor organic matter content and extremely high calcium concentration. The community of T. rupestris is composed of very limited number of species. Only 15 species which belonged tonine families and 11 genera were found in the three investigated qudrats. The floristic composition is verysimple and can be classified as typical dry shrubgrass vegetation type. Consequently, it is the special habitatthat may be the direct reason for the endangerment of T. rupestris.
    The genetic bases of allozyme analysis (Part 2)
    Wang Zhongren
    Biodiv Sci. 1994, 02 (4):  213-219.  doi:10.17520/biods.1994035
    Abstract ( 3251 )   PDF (493KB) ( 2020 )   Save
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    The correct interpretation on the zymogram is the key to acquire the genetic data, in allozyme analysis. As aphenotype, the banding pattern in a zymogram is based on the quaternary structure of the enzyme protein(the number of subunits), the distribution in the subcellular compartments of the enzyme (the number of theloci),and the ploidy and the genotype of the sample examined. A term of "Zymotype" is suggested to use foriterpreting the panding patterns. It will lead to a completely wrong conclusion, if the numbers of the bands orthe differences of migration rate of the bands are directly used as a measure of genetic diversity or as anumerical characters to calculate the similarity or to make a cluster analysis for a group of samples.
    An analysis on the types of male sterility in plants
    Tang Zesheng, Liu Zhengjin, Su Zhixian
    Biodiv Sci. 1994, 02 (4):  220-227.  doi:10.17520/biods.1994036
    Abstract ( 4715 )   PDF (676KB) ( 2866 )   Save
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    This paper discussed group, cause, induction and application of male sterility in plants, summarized the achievements in scientific research at home and abroad. Importantly, it analysed groups. All of  these added to content of genetic diversity, showed a bright future of male sterile theory and application research
    Understanding and thinking of concept and definition of “Lichen”
    Chen Jianbin
    Biodiv Sci. 1994, 02 (4):  228-230.  doi:10.17520/biods.1994037
    Abstract ( 3405 )   PDF (289KB) ( 2377 )   Save
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    A new (lefinition  of lichen is proposed in the present paper. That is "a lichen is a symbiotic association of afungus and an alga or a cyanpbacterium resulting in a stable complex-thallus of  specific structure, its essenceand scicntific name  are represented by the mycobiont."
    Measurement of biotic community diversity I α diversity (Part 2)
    Biodiv Sci. 1994, 02 (4):  231-239.  doi:10.17520/biods.1994038
    Abstract ( 5913 )   PDF (585KB) ( 12731 )   Save
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    Special Issue

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