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Leaf functional traits of Acer mono in Wudalianchi Volcano, China
Xie Lihong,Huang Qingyang,Cao Hongjie,Yang Fan,Wang Jifeng,Ni Hongwei
Biodiv Sci    2019, 27 (3): 286-296.   DOI: 10.17520/biods.2018300
Abstract   (1422 HTML31 PDF(pc) (1601KB)(659)  

Functional traits reflecting responses and adaptations of plants to their environment can be used as a bridge between plants and the changes occurring in their environment. The analysis of the relationship between plant functional traits and environmental gradients present on hill slopes can improve our understanding of adaptation mechanisms of plant communities under different microtopographic habitats. In this paper, nine leaf functional traits of Acer mono individuals were studied on eight volcanoes in different historical years in Wudalianchi, China. The main leaf functional traits of volcanic plants on shady and sunny slopes were determined. A change in survival strategy and adaptation mechanisms of shady and sunny slope plants was found. The results were as follows: (1) The change of slope direction is an important reason for the difference of leaf functional characteristics of Acer mono. (2) The difference of leaf functional characteristics in volcanoes reflects their different resource environments. At the same time, the growth of Acer mono is mainly limited by nitrogen. (3) Leaf thickness had a significant positive correlation with leaf area between the north-south slopes and between volcanoes. There was a significant positive correlation between leaf thickness and specific leaf area between volcanoes, which is related to the self-protection of Acer mono under volcanic soil conditions. These results suggest that Acer mono can respond to its environment and adapt to express the best combination of functional traits. Acer mono individuals from volcanoes of different ages have increased carbon sequestration capacity, leaf dry matter content, leaf area, leaf thickness, nitrogen and phosphorus content, while also having reduced specific leaf area and nitrogen to phosphorus ratio as an adaptation to abundant light, low water content and poor soil nutrients.

变量 Variable LKC N/P
小孤山 XGS 0.006* 0.425
笔架山 BJS 0.004* 0.068
西焦得布山 XJDBS 0.158 0.959
尾山 WS 0.199 0.154
卧虎山 WHS 0.492 0.300
北格拉球山 BGLQS 0.251 0.109
南格拉球山 NGLQS 0.008* 0.154
笔架山 BJS 0.808 0.018*
西焦得布山 XJDBS 0.064 0.454
尾山 WS 0.050* 0.485
卧虎山 WHS 0.018* 0.795
北格拉球山 BGLQS 0.039* 0.363
南格拉球山 NGLQS 0.833 0.042*
Bijiaoshan (BJS)
西焦得布山 XJDBS 0.043* 0.063
尾山 WS 0.034* 0.006*
卧虎山 WHS 0.012* 0.012*
北格拉球山 BGLQS 0.026* 0.004*
南格拉球山 NGLQS 0.652 0.606
Xijiaodebushan (XJDBS)
尾山 WS 0.880 0.167
卧虎山 WHS 0.427 0.322
北格拉球山 BGLQS 0.757 0.118
南格拉球山 NGLQS 0.090 0.143
Weishan (WS)
卧虎山 WHS 0.516 0.655
北格拉球山 BGLQS 0.874 0.822
南格拉球山 NGLQS 0.071 0.014*
Wohushan (WHS)
北格拉球山 BGLQS 0.620 0.506
南格拉球山 NGLQS 0.025* 0.028*
北格拉球山 Beigelaqiushan (BGLQS) 南格拉球山 NGLQS 0.055 0.010*
Table 3 Multiple comparison of leaf kalium content (LKC), ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus (N/P) of Acer mono between eight volcanoes in Wudalianchi
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火山间的叶干物质浓度、叶面积、比叶面积、叶片厚度、叶碳浓度和叶磷浓度无显著差异; 叶钾浓度和叶氮磷比有显著差异(表2)。进一步对火山间的钾、氮磷比进行多重比较(表3), 结果表明, 叶钾浓度在东焦得布山与小孤山、笔架山和南格拉球山之间, 小孤山与尾山、卧虎山和北格拉球山之间, 笔架山与西焦得布山、尾山、卧虎山和北格拉球山之间, 卧虎山与南格拉球山之间均差异显著(P < 0.05)。叶氮磷比在小孤山与笔架山和南格拉球山之间, 笔架山与尾山、卧虎山和北格拉球山之间, 尾山与南格拉球山之间, 卧虎山和南格拉球山之间, 在北格拉球山和南格拉球山之间均差异显著(P < 0.05)。
本研究中色木槭各功能性状火山间的种内变异系数是0.02-0.20, 且在不同山体间叶钾浓度和叶氮磷比存在显著差异(表2, 表3)。由此可见, 种内变异虽然较小却也是生物对不同生境适应性变化的直接体现, 因此在研究植物功能性状与环境间相关关系时, 不能简单地使用物种水平的性状平均值代替个体数据而忽略种内变异。
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