Biodiv Sci ›› 2014, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (1): 21-39. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2014.13189
Special Issue: 基因组和生物多样性; 物种形成与系统进化
• Orginal Article • Previous Articles Next Articles
Liping Zeng, Ning Zhang, Hong Ma*()
Ma Hong
Liping Zeng,Ning Zhang,Hong Ma. Advances and challenges in resolving the angiosperm phylogeny[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2014, 22(1): 21-39.
Fig. 1 The relationships of major lineages of angiosperms. Except for three basal orders, all angiosperms formed a monophyletic group composed of five major lineages: Chloranthaceae, magnoliids, monocots, Ceratophyllaceae and eudicots. However, their relationships are not clear. Among monocots, Acorales is the basal order and commelinids (shown as triangle in this figure) with four orders are the core groups. The relationships among four magnoliid orders have been clarified. In eudicots, Ranunculales is sister to all other eudicots and Gunnerales is sister to all other core eudicots, which formed a monophyletic group known as Pentapetalae. Rosids and asterids are core groups of Pentapetalae, but there are many uncertain relationships in Pentapetalae. In rosids, it is still uncertain whether the sister group of the COM clade is the nitrogen-fixing clade or malvids.
Fig. 2 The relationships within rosids, asterids, monocots and magnoliids, respectively. (a) Rosids contain three clades: malvids, COM and the nitrogen-fixing clade, but whether the sister group of the COM clade is the nitrogen-fixing clade or malvids remains unclear. (b) Asterids are composed of euasterid I, euasterid II and two basal orders: Ericales and Cornales. The relationships among euasterids I are not clear. Garryales and Aquifoliales were respectively regarded as the basal group of euasterids I and II; however, new evidence based on nuclear genes suggested that these two together formed a sister group of other euasterids I. (c) Commelinids is the core group of monocots, and Acorales is the basal order. The relationships among commelinids are not clear. (d) In magnollids, Magnoliales and Laurales are sister groups, and Canellales and Piperales are sister groups.
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