Biodiv Sci ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (11): 22348. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022348
Special Issue: 青藏高原生物多样性与生态安全
• Special Feature: Cenozoic Plant Diversity Evolution in South China • Previous Articles Next Articles
Linbo Jia1,2,*(), Tao Su3,*(
), Weicheng Li3, Shufeng Li3, Yongjiang Huang1, Zhekun Zhou3
Linbo Jia,Tao Su
Linbo Jia, Tao Su, Weicheng Li, Shufeng Li, Yongjiang Huang, Zhekun Zhou. The floristic differentiation of Southwest China: Insights from Cedrelospermum and Ailanthus fossils[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2022, 30(11): 22348.
Fig. 2 Fossil fruits of Cedrelospermum tibeticum from Shenzha, Xizang. fb, Fruit body; v, Veins on the wing; w, Primary wing; g, Gap between the wings.
Fig. 4 The line drawings of Cedrelospermum fruit fossils from Southeast Yunnan and Xizang. A, C. tibeticum from the late Oligocene of Shuanghu, Xizang; B, C. tibeticum from the late Eocene of Shenzha, Xizang; C, C. asiaticum from the late Eocene of Maguan, Yunnan.
Fig. 5 The line drawings of Ailanthus fruit fossils from Southeast Yunnan and Xizang. A, A. maximus from the late Oligocene of Shuanghu, Xizang; B, A. confucii from the late Eocene of Maguan, Yunnan.
Fig. 6 The hypothesized floristic differentiation of Southwest China. A, Cedrelospermum tibeticum from the late Oligocene of Shuanghu, Xizang; B, C. tibeticum from the late Eocene of Shenzha, Xizang; C, Ailanthus maximus from the late Oligocene of Shuanghu, Xizang; D, Koelreuteria kvacekii from the middle Eocene of Bange, Xizang; E, Sabalites tibetensis from the late Oligocene of Shuanghu, Xizang; F, C. asiaticum from the late Eocene of Maguan, Yunnan; G, H, A. confucii from the late Eocene of Maguan, Yunnan; I, K. sp. from the late Eocene of Maguan, Yunnan; J, Craigia sp. from the late Eocene of Maguan, Yunnan; K, Sabalites sp. from the late Eocene of Maguan, Yunnan; L, Meconopsis pseudointegrifolia; M, Incarvillea younghusbandii; N, Rheum alexandrae; O, P, A. altissima; Q, K. bipinnata; R, Craigia yunnanensis; S, Livistona jenkinsiana. Scale bar = 5 mm.
Fig. 7 The changes of position and paleoenvironment of Cedrelospermum and Ailanthus fossil localitiesin Southwest China since the Eocene. The purple triangles show the location of the fossil localities, and the numbers correspond to the fossil localities in Table 1.
编号 No. | 化石点 Fossil site | 时代 Age | 类群 Taxon | 经度 Longitude | 纬度 Latitude | 参考文献 Reference |
1 | 西藏班戈 Bange, Xizang | 中始新世 Middle Eocene | 椿榆属 CD 臭椿属 AL | 90.03 | 31.63 | 2019 2020 |
2 | 西藏尼玛 Nima, Xizang | 晚始新世 Late Eocene | 椿榆属 CD 臭椿属 AL | 87.76 | 31.8 | 2019 2019 |
3 | 西藏申扎 Shenzha, Xizang | 晚始新世 Late Eocene | 臭椿属 AL | 89.15 | 32.33 | 本研究 This study 2019 |
4 | 西藏双湖 Shuanghu, Xizang | 晚渐新世 Late Oligocene | 椿榆属 CD | 89.76 | 32.03 | 2019 |
5 | 青海海西 Haixi, Qinghai | 渐新世 Oligocene | 臭椿属 AL | ~91.2 | ~38.07 | 2020 |
6 | 云南马关 Maguan, Yunnan | 晚始新世 Late Eocene | 椿榆属 CD 臭椿属 AL | 104.38 | 23.01 | 本研究 This study 2015 |
7 | 云南文山 Wenshan, Yunnan | 早渐新世 Early Oligocene | 臭椿属 AL | 104.28 | 23.33 | 2013 |
8 | 广西宁明 Ningming, Guangxi | 晚渐新世 Late Oligocene | 臭椿属 AL | 107.1 | 22.12 | 2014 |
Table 1 Fossil occurrences of Cedrelospermum and Ailanthus in Southwest China. CD, Cedrelospermum; AL, Ailanthus.
编号 No. | 化石点 Fossil site | 时代 Age | 类群 Taxon | 经度 Longitude | 纬度 Latitude | 参考文献 Reference |
1 | 西藏班戈 Bange, Xizang | 中始新世 Middle Eocene | 椿榆属 CD 臭椿属 AL | 90.03 | 31.63 | 2019 2020 |
2 | 西藏尼玛 Nima, Xizang | 晚始新世 Late Eocene | 椿榆属 CD 臭椿属 AL | 87.76 | 31.8 | 2019 2019 |
3 | 西藏申扎 Shenzha, Xizang | 晚始新世 Late Eocene | 臭椿属 AL | 89.15 | 32.33 | 本研究 This study 2019 |
4 | 西藏双湖 Shuanghu, Xizang | 晚渐新世 Late Oligocene | 椿榆属 CD | 89.76 | 32.03 | 2019 |
5 | 青海海西 Haixi, Qinghai | 渐新世 Oligocene | 臭椿属 AL | ~91.2 | ~38.07 | 2020 |
6 | 云南马关 Maguan, Yunnan | 晚始新世 Late Eocene | 椿榆属 CD 臭椿属 AL | 104.38 | 23.01 | 本研究 This study 2015 |
7 | 云南文山 Wenshan, Yunnan | 早渐新世 Early Oligocene | 臭椿属 AL | 104.28 | 23.33 | 2013 |
8 | 广西宁明 Ningming, Guangxi | 晚渐新世 Late Oligocene | 臭椿属 AL | 107.1 | 22.12 | 2014 |
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