Biodiv Sci ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (8): 24141. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024141 cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024141
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Qiong Wu,#, Zixi Zhao,#, Taozhu Sun, Yumeng Zhao(), Cong Yu, Qin Zhu*(
), Zhongqiu Li(
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#Co-first authors
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Qiong Wu, Zixi Zhao, Taozhu Sun, Yumeng Zhao, Cong Yu, Qin Zhu, Zhongqiu Li. Impact of urban road characteristics and natural landscapes on animal vehicle collisions: A case study in Nanjing[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2024, 32(8): 24141.
Fig. 1 The animals roadkill survey transects and landscape distribution map of Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. National roads are indicated as G1, G2 and G3; S1, S2 and S3 represent for provincial road while X1, X2 and X3 represent for county road.
响应变量 Response variable | 自变量类别 Independent variable category | 所选模型 Selected model |
每个取样单元内动物/鸟类/兽类路杀事件数量 Number of animal/bird/mammal roadkill incidents in each sampling unit | 自然景观 Natural landscape | 250 m缓冲区内耕地面积占比 + 250 m缓冲区内建筑面积占比 + 250 m缓冲区内林地面积占比 + 500 m缓冲区内草地面积占比 + 1,000 m缓冲区内草地面积占比 + 1,000 m缓冲区内林地面积占比+ 1,000 m缓冲区内耕地面积占比+ 1,000 m缓冲区内建筑面积占比 + (1 | 取样单元所在调查样线) P_farm250 + P_build250 + P_forest250 + P_grass500 + P_grass1000 + P_forest1000 + P_farm1000 + P_build1000 + (1 | ID) |
道路特征 Road features | 海拔高度 + 道路曲折度+ 取样单元道路长度 + 车道数目 + 道路最高限速 + 道路隔离带 + 道路类型+ (1 | 取样单元所在调查样线) Ele + Sinu + Length + Lane + Speed + Iso + Roadtype + (1 | ID) | |
线性特征 Linear features | 到最近河流(线状水体)的距离 + 到最近湖泊湿地(面状水体)的距离 + 到最近高架桥的距离 + 到最近城市次干道的距离 + 到最近城市主干道的距离 + 到最近道路的距离+ (1 | 取样单元所在调查样线) D_river + D_lake + D_trunk + D_subarte + D_arte + D_road + (1 | ID) |
Table 1 Regression models of animal vehicle collisions in Nanjing City
响应变量 Response variable | 自变量类别 Independent variable category | 所选模型 Selected model |
每个取样单元内动物/鸟类/兽类路杀事件数量 Number of animal/bird/mammal roadkill incidents in each sampling unit | 自然景观 Natural landscape | 250 m缓冲区内耕地面积占比 + 250 m缓冲区内建筑面积占比 + 250 m缓冲区内林地面积占比 + 500 m缓冲区内草地面积占比 + 1,000 m缓冲区内草地面积占比 + 1,000 m缓冲区内林地面积占比+ 1,000 m缓冲区内耕地面积占比+ 1,000 m缓冲区内建筑面积占比 + (1 | 取样单元所在调查样线) P_farm250 + P_build250 + P_forest250 + P_grass500 + P_grass1000 + P_forest1000 + P_farm1000 + P_build1000 + (1 | ID) |
道路特征 Road features | 海拔高度 + 道路曲折度+ 取样单元道路长度 + 车道数目 + 道路最高限速 + 道路隔离带 + 道路类型+ (1 | 取样单元所在调查样线) Ele + Sinu + Length + Lane + Speed + Iso + Roadtype + (1 | ID) | |
线性特征 Linear features | 到最近河流(线状水体)的距离 + 到最近湖泊湿地(面状水体)的距离 + 到最近高架桥的距离 + 到最近城市次干道的距离 + 到最近城市主干道的距离 + 到最近道路的距离+ (1 | 取样单元所在调查样线) D_river + D_lake + D_trunk + D_subarte + D_arte + D_road + (1 | ID) |
Fig. 2 Types and quantities of animal vehicle collisions on sampling roads in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province in 2020-2021. Aves, The roadkill birds could only identify them to the class level; Mammal, The roadkill mammals could only identify them to the class level; Unknow, The species of roadkill animals unable to determine the class level.
因变量 Dependent variable | 所选模型 Selected model | 自然景观变量的AIC AIC of natural landscape variables | 道路特征变量的AIC AIC of road features variables | 线性特征变量的AIC AIC of linear features variables |
动物路杀事件 Animal vehicle collisions | 负二项式模型 Negative binomial model | 1,107.89 | 1,120.00 | 1,100.22 |
广义线性混合模型 Generalized linear mixed model | 1,194.70 | 1,227.10 | 1,162.42 | |
零膨胀负二项式模型 Zero expansion negative binomial model | 1,110.33 | 1,120.01 | 1,092.97 | |
鸟类路杀事件 Bird vehicle collisions | 负二项式模型 Negative binomial model | 693.23 | 717.34 | 690.89 |
广义线性混合模型 Generalized linear mixed model | 723.70 | 762.30 | 717.96 | |
零膨胀负二项式模型 Zero expansion negative binomial model | 703.63 | 717.37 | 694.33 | |
兽类路杀事件 Mammal vehicle collisions | 负二项式模型 Negative binomial model | 791.21 | 789.37 | 787.95 |
广义线性混合模型 Generalized linear mixed model | 848.50 | 843.60 | 827.92 | |
零膨胀负二项式模型 Zero expansion negative binomial model | 794.04 | 789.40 | 780.92 |
Table 2 Model selection results of natural landscape, road features, and linear features variables based on Akaike information criterion (AIC)
因变量 Dependent variable | 所选模型 Selected model | 自然景观变量的AIC AIC of natural landscape variables | 道路特征变量的AIC AIC of road features variables | 线性特征变量的AIC AIC of linear features variables |
动物路杀事件 Animal vehicle collisions | 负二项式模型 Negative binomial model | 1,107.89 | 1,120.00 | 1,100.22 |
广义线性混合模型 Generalized linear mixed model | 1,194.70 | 1,227.10 | 1,162.42 | |
零膨胀负二项式模型 Zero expansion negative binomial model | 1,110.33 | 1,120.01 | 1,092.97 | |
鸟类路杀事件 Bird vehicle collisions | 负二项式模型 Negative binomial model | 693.23 | 717.34 | 690.89 |
广义线性混合模型 Generalized linear mixed model | 723.70 | 762.30 | 717.96 | |
零膨胀负二项式模型 Zero expansion negative binomial model | 703.63 | 717.37 | 694.33 | |
兽类路杀事件 Mammal vehicle collisions | 负二项式模型 Negative binomial model | 791.21 | 789.37 | 787.95 |
广义线性混合模型 Generalized linear mixed model | 848.50 | 843.60 | 827.92 | |
零膨胀负二项式模型 Zero expansion negative binomial model | 794.04 | 789.40 | 780.92 |
因变量 Dependent variable | 解释变量 Explanatory variable | 参数估计 Parameter estimation | 标准误 Standard error | P值 P value |
动物路杀事件 Animal vehicle collisions | 截距 Intercept | ‒0.203 | 0.138 | 0.141 |
P_farm250 | ‒0.240 | 0.082 | 0.003** | |
P_build250 | ‒0.219 | 0.063 | < 0.001*** | |
P_farm1000 | 0.236 | 0.052 | < 0.001*** | |
Iso1 | 0.223 | 0.154 | 1.452 | |
鸟类路杀事件 Bird vehicle collisions | 截距 Intercept | ‒1.560 | 0.252 | < 0.001*** |
P_build250 | ‒0.303 | 0.100 | 0.002** | |
P_farm1000 | 0.272 | 0.087 | 0.002** | |
Iso1 | 0.547 | 0.227 | 0.016* | |
D_river | ‒0.545 | 0.144 | < 0.001*** | |
D_trunk | 0.285 | 0.143 | 0.046* | |
D_arte | 0.462 | 0.094 | < 0.001*** | |
兽类路杀事件 Mammal vehicle collisions | 截距 Intercept | ‒0.832 | 0.163 | < 0.001*** |
P_farm250 | ‒0.201 | 0.103 | 0.051 |
Table 3 Results of the summary regression model for roadkill incidents of terrestrial vertebrates in Nanjing City
因变量 Dependent variable | 解释变量 Explanatory variable | 参数估计 Parameter estimation | 标准误 Standard error | P值 P value |
动物路杀事件 Animal vehicle collisions | 截距 Intercept | ‒0.203 | 0.138 | 0.141 |
P_farm250 | ‒0.240 | 0.082 | 0.003** | |
P_build250 | ‒0.219 | 0.063 | < 0.001*** | |
P_farm1000 | 0.236 | 0.052 | < 0.001*** | |
Iso1 | 0.223 | 0.154 | 1.452 | |
鸟类路杀事件 Bird vehicle collisions | 截距 Intercept | ‒1.560 | 0.252 | < 0.001*** |
P_build250 | ‒0.303 | 0.100 | 0.002** | |
P_farm1000 | 0.272 | 0.087 | 0.002** | |
Iso1 | 0.547 | 0.227 | 0.016* | |
D_river | ‒0.545 | 0.144 | < 0.001*** | |
D_trunk | 0.285 | 0.143 | 0.046* | |
D_arte | 0.462 | 0.094 | < 0.001*** | |
兽类路杀事件 Mammal vehicle collisions | 截距 Intercept | ‒0.832 | 0.163 | < 0.001*** |
P_farm250 | ‒0.201 | 0.103 | 0.051 |
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