Biodiv Sci ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (1): 72-80. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020072
Special Issue: 生物入侵
• Reviews • Previous Articles Next Articles
Simiao Sun1(), Jixin Chen1, Weiwei Feng1, Chang Zhang1(
), Kai Huang1, Ming Guan1,2, Jiankun Sun1, Mingchao Liu1,*(
), Yulong Feng1,*(
Mingchao Liu, Yulong Feng
Simiao Sun, Jixin Chen, Weiwei Feng, Chang Zhang, Kai Huang, Ming Guan, Jiankun Sun, Mingchao Liu, Yulong Feng. Plant strategies for nitrogen acquisition and their effects on exotic plant invasions[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2021, 29(1): 72-80.
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