Biodiv Sci ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (6): 639-650. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2013.12134
• Orginal Article • Previous Articles Next Articles
Hongwei Wan, Qingmin Pan, Yongfei Bai*()
Bai Yongfei
Hongwei Wan,Qingmin Pan,Yongfei Bai. China grassland biodiversity monitoring network: indicators and implementation plan[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2013, 21(6): 639-650.
序号 No. | 监测项 Parameters | 具体指标 Indicators | 获取途径 Sources | 空间尺度 Spatial scale/level |
1 | 植物群落的物种组成 Species composition of plant community | 植物物种名录 Plant species list | 野外观测(样方) Field observation (quadrats) | 样地和景观尺度 Plot (1 ha) and landscape (25 ha) |
2 | 植物物种多度 Abundance | 物种的地上生物量和个体密度 Aboveground biomass and species density | 景观尺度 Landscape | |
3 | 植物群落的盖度 Coverage | 冠层盖度 Canopy coverage | 景观尺度 Landscape | |
4 | 种-面积关系 Species-area relationship | 物种名录 Species list | 野外观测 Field observation | 样地尺度 Plot |
5 | 物种的点格局分析 Point pattern analysis | 个体的空间位置 Position of individuals | 野外观测 Field observation | 样地尺度 Plot |
6 | 植物功能性状 Plant functional traits | 植株高度、茎叶比、比叶面积、单叶重、单叶面积、叶干物质含量、叶氮含量、叶磷含量 Height, leaf stem ratio, specific leaf area, leaf weight, leaf area, leaf dry matter content, leaf nitrogen content, and leaf phosphorus content | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 物种水平 Species |
生长型、生活史策略、光合途径、固氮能力、克隆生长特性、根系结构和子叶类型 Growth form, life history strategies, photosynthetic pathways, nitrogen fixation ability, clonal growth characteristics, root structure and cotyledon types | 文献检索 Literature | 物种水平 Species | ||
7 | 植物种库 Plant species pool | 物种名录 Species list | 野外观测(样带) Field observations (transects) | 景观尺度 Landscape |
8 | 植物多样性 Plant diversity | α、β、γ多样性, 物种丰富度、物种均匀度、物种多样性、功能多样性、谱系多样性 α, β, γ diversity, species richness, species evenness, species diversity, functional diversity, and phylogenetic diversity | 基于本 | 样地、景观、区域到国家尺度 Plot, landscape, regional to national |
9 | 哺乳动物多样性 Mammal diversity | 珍稀、濒危动物的有无 Presence or absence of rare and endangered species | 社会调研 Social investigation | 区域尺度 Regional |
10 | 微生物多样性 Microbial diversity | 分类操作单元 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
11 | 昆虫多样性 Insect diversity | 种数和个体数 Number of species and individuals | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
12 | 鸟类的多样性 Bird diversity | 种数和个体数 Number of species and individuals | 野外观测 Field observation | 景观尺度 Landscape |
13 | 蝴蝶的多样性 Butterfly diversity | 种数和个体数 Number of species and individuals | 野外观测 Field observation | 景观尺度 Landscape |
14 | 蝗灾的状况 Locust outbreak | 蝗虫个体的数量 Number of locust individuals | 野外观测 Field observation | 样地尺度 Plot |
15 | 鼠害的状况 Rodent damage | 鼠洞和土丘的密度 Density of rat holes and mounds | 野外观测 Field observation | 景观尺度 Landscape |
16 | 净初级生产力 Net primary production | 地上、地下净初级生产力 Aboveground and belowground net primary production | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
17 | 土壤碳、氮、磷储量 Soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus stocks | 土壤容重、土壤碳氮磷含量 Soil bulk density and soil C, N, P content | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
18 | 水土保持力 Soil and water conservation | 裸地面积、凋落物量及凋落物覆盖度、植被盖度 Bare soil proportion, litter mass and coverage, and vegetation coverage | 野外观测、取样和室内分析 Field observation, sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地和景观尺度 Plot and landscape scale |
19 | 地下水供给 Groundwater supply | 地下水水位及水质 Groundwater level and quality | 野外测量、取样和室内分析 Field observation, sampling and laboratory analysis | 景观到区域尺度Landscape to regional |
20 | 气象因子 Meteorological factors | 降水、气温、年潜在蒸散量、年实际蒸散量、年总太阳辐射、年光和有效辐射、积温 Precipitation, temperature, annual potential evapotranspiration, annual actual evapotranspiration, annual total solar radiation, annual effective radiation, and annual accumulated temperature | 气象站实测、模型插值Meteorological station measurement and model interpolation | 景观尺度 Landscape |
21 | 其他环境变化因子 Other environmental change factors | 大气CO2分压、氮沉降量、酸沉降量 CO2 partial pressure, acid and nitrogen deposition | 地面实测、模型计算和预测 Direct measurement and Interpolation | 景观到区域尺度Landscape toregional |
22 | 土壤理化性质 Soil physical and chemical properties | 土壤类型、质地、酸碱度、有机质含量、持水量 Soil type, texture, pH, organic matter content, water holding capacity | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
23 | 地形因素 Topography | 坡向、坡度、地表起伏度、地表粗糙度 Aspect, slope, surface waviness and roughness | 通过DEM数据计算获得 Derived from DEM data | 样地和景观尺度 Plot and landscape |
24 | 土地利用 Land use | 土地利用类型、土地利用强度、土地利用历史 Types, intensity and history of land use | 遥感、社调和文献检索 Remote sensing, social investigation and literature | 景观到区域尺度Landscape to regional |
家畜(牛马羊)粪便密度 Livestock (sheep, horse, cattle) manure density | 野外观测 Field observation | 景观尺度 Landscape | ||
25 | 社会经济因素Socio-economic factors | 人口数量、生活来源、人均收入 Population, source of income, per capita income | 社会调研和年鉴统计资料检索 Social investigation and annual books | 区域尺度 Regional |
26 | 景观因素 Landscape factors | 生境破碎化程度 Degree of habitat fragmentation | 遥感 Remote sensing | 区域尺度 Regional |
27 | 地史进化因素 Geohistory and evolutionary factors | 地质历史和进化历史 Geological and evolutionary history | 文献检索、谱系分析 Literature, phylogenetic analysis | 区域尺度 Regional |
Table 1 Indicators of China grassland biodiversity monitoring, their measurement scale and sources
序号 No. | 监测项 Parameters | 具体指标 Indicators | 获取途径 Sources | 空间尺度 Spatial scale/level |
1 | 植物群落的物种组成 Species composition of plant community | 植物物种名录 Plant species list | 野外观测(样方) Field observation (quadrats) | 样地和景观尺度 Plot (1 ha) and landscape (25 ha) |
2 | 植物物种多度 Abundance | 物种的地上生物量和个体密度 Aboveground biomass and species density | 景观尺度 Landscape | |
3 | 植物群落的盖度 Coverage | 冠层盖度 Canopy coverage | 景观尺度 Landscape | |
4 | 种-面积关系 Species-area relationship | 物种名录 Species list | 野外观测 Field observation | 样地尺度 Plot |
5 | 物种的点格局分析 Point pattern analysis | 个体的空间位置 Position of individuals | 野外观测 Field observation | 样地尺度 Plot |
6 | 植物功能性状 Plant functional traits | 植株高度、茎叶比、比叶面积、单叶重、单叶面积、叶干物质含量、叶氮含量、叶磷含量 Height, leaf stem ratio, specific leaf area, leaf weight, leaf area, leaf dry matter content, leaf nitrogen content, and leaf phosphorus content | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 物种水平 Species |
生长型、生活史策略、光合途径、固氮能力、克隆生长特性、根系结构和子叶类型 Growth form, life history strategies, photosynthetic pathways, nitrogen fixation ability, clonal growth characteristics, root structure and cotyledon types | 文献检索 Literature | 物种水平 Species | ||
7 | 植物种库 Plant species pool | 物种名录 Species list | 野外观测(样带) Field observations (transects) | 景观尺度 Landscape |
8 | 植物多样性 Plant diversity | α、β、γ多样性, 物种丰富度、物种均匀度、物种多样性、功能多样性、谱系多样性 α, β, γ diversity, species richness, species evenness, species diversity, functional diversity, and phylogenetic diversity | 基于本 | 样地、景观、区域到国家尺度 Plot, landscape, regional to national |
9 | 哺乳动物多样性 Mammal diversity | 珍稀、濒危动物的有无 Presence or absence of rare and endangered species | 社会调研 Social investigation | 区域尺度 Regional |
10 | 微生物多样性 Microbial diversity | 分类操作单元 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
11 | 昆虫多样性 Insect diversity | 种数和个体数 Number of species and individuals | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
12 | 鸟类的多样性 Bird diversity | 种数和个体数 Number of species and individuals | 野外观测 Field observation | 景观尺度 Landscape |
13 | 蝴蝶的多样性 Butterfly diversity | 种数和个体数 Number of species and individuals | 野外观测 Field observation | 景观尺度 Landscape |
14 | 蝗灾的状况 Locust outbreak | 蝗虫个体的数量 Number of locust individuals | 野外观测 Field observation | 样地尺度 Plot |
15 | 鼠害的状况 Rodent damage | 鼠洞和土丘的密度 Density of rat holes and mounds | 野外观测 Field observation | 景观尺度 Landscape |
16 | 净初级生产力 Net primary production | 地上、地下净初级生产力 Aboveground and belowground net primary production | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
17 | 土壤碳、氮、磷储量 Soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus stocks | 土壤容重、土壤碳氮磷含量 Soil bulk density and soil C, N, P content | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
18 | 水土保持力 Soil and water conservation | 裸地面积、凋落物量及凋落物覆盖度、植被盖度 Bare soil proportion, litter mass and coverage, and vegetation coverage | 野外观测、取样和室内分析 Field observation, sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地和景观尺度 Plot and landscape scale |
19 | 地下水供给 Groundwater supply | 地下水水位及水质 Groundwater level and quality | 野外测量、取样和室内分析 Field observation, sampling and laboratory analysis | 景观到区域尺度Landscape to regional |
20 | 气象因子 Meteorological factors | 降水、气温、年潜在蒸散量、年实际蒸散量、年总太阳辐射、年光和有效辐射、积温 Precipitation, temperature, annual potential evapotranspiration, annual actual evapotranspiration, annual total solar radiation, annual effective radiation, and annual accumulated temperature | 气象站实测、模型插值Meteorological station measurement and model interpolation | 景观尺度 Landscape |
21 | 其他环境变化因子 Other environmental change factors | 大气CO2分压、氮沉降量、酸沉降量 CO2 partial pressure, acid and nitrogen deposition | 地面实测、模型计算和预测 Direct measurement and Interpolation | 景观到区域尺度Landscape toregional |
22 | 土壤理化性质 Soil physical and chemical properties | 土壤类型、质地、酸碱度、有机质含量、持水量 Soil type, texture, pH, organic matter content, water holding capacity | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
23 | 地形因素 Topography | 坡向、坡度、地表起伏度、地表粗糙度 Aspect, slope, surface waviness and roughness | 通过DEM数据计算获得 Derived from DEM data | 样地和景观尺度 Plot and landscape |
24 | 土地利用 Land use | 土地利用类型、土地利用强度、土地利用历史 Types, intensity and history of land use | 遥感、社调和文献检索 Remote sensing, social investigation and literature | 景观到区域尺度Landscape to regional |
家畜(牛马羊)粪便密度 Livestock (sheep, horse, cattle) manure density | 野外观测 Field observation | 景观尺度 Landscape | ||
25 | 社会经济因素Socio-economic factors | 人口数量、生活来源、人均收入 Population, source of income, per capita income | 社会调研和年鉴统计资料检索 Social investigation and annual books | 区域尺度 Regional |
26 | 景观因素 Landscape factors | 生境破碎化程度 Degree of habitat fragmentation | 遥感 Remote sensing | 区域尺度 Regional |
27 | 地史进化因素 Geohistory and evolutionary factors | 地质历史和进化历史 Geological and evolutionary history | 文献检索、谱系分析 Literature, phylogenetic analysis | 区域尺度 Regional |
Fig. 3 Rank of the plant species according to frequency in a surveyed plot for monitoring grassland biodiversity around the Inner Mongolia Grassland Ecosystem Station (IMGERS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2012
Fig. 4 Species-area relationship of the plant species based on both logarithm transformed area (a-c) and actual investigation area (d-f) from a grassland biodiversity monitoring plot around the Inner Mongolia Grassland Ecosystem Station (IMGERS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2012
Fig. 5 Rank of the butterfly (A) and bird (B) species according to numbers in a grassland biodiversity monitoring plot around the Inner Mongolia Grassland Ecosystem Station (IMGERS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2012
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