Biodiv Sci ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (4): 522-526.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2012.05216

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The bryophyte diversity of the Danxia landform in Hunan, China

Zuxia He1,2,*(), Yuehong Yan1,2, Qixia Ma1, Qiyong Lu3   

  1. 1 Chen Shan Botanical Garden (Shanghai Chenshan Plant Science Research Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Shanghai 201602
    2 School of Life Science, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan, Hunan 411201
    3 Tongdao County Forestry Bureau, Tongdao, Hunan 418500
  • Received:2011-11-28 Accepted:2012-04-25 Online:2012-07-20 Published:2012-09-12
  • Contact: Zuxia He


The Danxia landform is a special red bed landform with distinct vegetation and flora. Although bryophytes play an important role in succession of vegetation, their diversity and distribution throughout the Danxia landform is unknown. Based on the systematic field surveys and microscopic identification of 710 specimens, we found 174 species in 96 genera from 53 families in the Danxia landform in Hunan, of which 36 species in 24 genera from 21 families were liverworts and 138 species in 72 genera from 32 families were mosses. Among these, 6 species were endemic to China, including Campylopus taiwanensis, Trichostomum zanderi, Schlotheimia pungens, Lindergia sinensis, Jungermannia laxifolia, and Saccogynidium irregularispinosum. Thirty species are newly recorded in Hunan, such as Gymnostomum aeruginosum, Riccia huebeneriana, and Riccardia multifida. Based on the size of ecological range, 87 species were classified as rare, such as Bartramia pomiformis, Schlotheimia pungens, and Pilotrichopsis dentate, while 52 species were common or very common, such as Marchantia polymorpha. Herein, we provide a detailed checklist of bryophytes of the Danxia landform. We also put forward suggestions to increase conservation efforts in the Danxia landform.

Key words: bryophytes, new records, checklist, Danxia landform, Hunan