Biodiv Sci ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (1): 106-112. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.07124
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Yiqi Hao
Yiqi Hao, Xinfeng Zhao. Distinguishing early-acting inbreeding depression from late-acting ovarian self-incompatibility[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2011, 19(1): 106-112.
问题 Specific questions | 两种机制 Two mechanisms | 实验方法 Methods | 主要参考文献 References |
败育发生在合子前还是合子后 Pre-zygotic vs. post-zygotic process | 早期近交衰退为严格的合子后机制, 晚期自交不亲和可以发生在受精作用前或受精作用后 Early-acting inbreeding depression acts strictly post-zygotically, while self- incompatibility may be either pre- or post-zygotic. | 解剖学观察 Anatomical observation | Sage et al., |
自交与异交先后授粉实验 Pollen chase experiment | Nuortila et al., | ||
线性回归模型 Linear regression model | Nuortila et al., | ||
败育的遗传基础是多位点隐性有害基因的纯合还是单位点控制 Multiple loci determined embryo abortion vs. single locus | 早期近交衰退的遗传基础是多位点隐性有害基因的纯合, 晚期自交不亲和多由单位点控制。 Early-acting inbreeding depression is out of many deleterious recessive alleles through the genome, while self- incompatibility is believed to be controlled by one locus. | 全同胞间杂交实验 Diallel crosses between full-sibs | Lipow & Wyatt, |
自交和异交种子产量的相关性Correlation of seed yield between self- and cross-pollination | Hokanson & Hancock, Krebs & Hancock, | ||
败育种子的大小 Size of aborted seeds | Seavey & Bawa, | ||
自交结籽率或成熟种子数的变异Variation of self-fertility | Krebs & Hancock, | ||
组织培养法 Tissue culture method | Seavey & Bawa, |
Table 1 The major methods used to distinguish late-acting ovarian self-incompatibility from early-acting inbreeding depression
问题 Specific questions | 两种机制 Two mechanisms | 实验方法 Methods | 主要参考文献 References |
败育发生在合子前还是合子后 Pre-zygotic vs. post-zygotic process | 早期近交衰退为严格的合子后机制, 晚期自交不亲和可以发生在受精作用前或受精作用后 Early-acting inbreeding depression acts strictly post-zygotically, while self- incompatibility may be either pre- or post-zygotic. | 解剖学观察 Anatomical observation | Sage et al., |
自交与异交先后授粉实验 Pollen chase experiment | Nuortila et al., | ||
线性回归模型 Linear regression model | Nuortila et al., | ||
败育的遗传基础是多位点隐性有害基因的纯合还是单位点控制 Multiple loci determined embryo abortion vs. single locus | 早期近交衰退的遗传基础是多位点隐性有害基因的纯合, 晚期自交不亲和多由单位点控制。 Early-acting inbreeding depression is out of many deleterious recessive alleles through the genome, while self- incompatibility is believed to be controlled by one locus. | 全同胞间杂交实验 Diallel crosses between full-sibs | Lipow & Wyatt, |
自交和异交种子产量的相关性Correlation of seed yield between self- and cross-pollination | Hokanson & Hancock, Krebs & Hancock, | ||
败育种子的大小 Size of aborted seeds | Seavey & Bawa, | ||
自交结籽率或成熟种子数的变异Variation of self-fertility | Krebs & Hancock, | ||
组织培养法 Tissue culture method | Seavey & Bawa, |
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