Biodiv Sci ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (11): 1333-1344. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020217
• Reviews • Previous Articles Next Articles
Yuanzhi Li, Junli Xiao, Hanlun Liu, Youshi Wang, Chengjin Chu*()
Chengjin Chu
Yuanzhi Li, Junli Xiao, Hanlun Liu, Youshi Wang, Chengjin Chu. Advances in higher-order interactions between organisms[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2020, 28(11): 1333-1344.
Fig. 1 The ecological network including direct (arrows 1-3) and indirect interactions (arrows 4-5) between species. Arrow 4 indicates that species k may indirectly affect species i by modifying the per capita effect of species j on species i (higher-order interactions, HOIs). Arrow 5 indicates that species k may indirectly affect species i by changing population density of species j (interaction chains). Therefore, species k may have both direct (arrow 1) and indirect (arrows 4-5) effects on species i. For simplicity, we only display direct and indirect effects of species j and k on species i.
Fig. 2 The types of biotic interactions. The different terms in the same box were used to describe the same type of interaction in different studies. The part in dashed line is our own opinion.
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Table 1 The methods of detecting whether a species interaction model contains hard higher-order interactions (hard-HOIs) and the outcomes of some well known models. √ and × indicate the model contains (the equation in a method is violated) and does not contain (the equation in a mothed is satisfied) hard-HOIs, respectively. Methods (1), (3) and (5) are used in the case of HOIs defined in systems of two or more species, and methods (2) and (4) are special cases of (1) and (3) where HOIs are strictedly defined in systems of three or more species. Fi indicates the per capita growth rate of species i as a function the densities of itself and its competitiors. If the partial derivative of Fi to Nj (?Fi/?Nj) can be expressed as only a function of Nj: Gij(Nj) (method 1), or a function of Ni and Nj: Gij(Ni, Nj) (method 2), or function of Nj and Fi: Gij(Fi, Nj) (method 3), or a function of Ni, Nj and Fi: Gij(Fi, Ni, Nj) (method 4), then the model Fi does not contain hard-HOIs according to methods 1-4, respectively. In method (5), Qi indicates the set of paramters in function Fi; jij indicates the set of parameters in function Fi(0, …, Nj, …, 0) when densities of all species are zero except species j; Fi is the union of jij (j = 1, …, S). If Qi = Fi, then the model Fi does not contain hard-HOIs.
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Fig. 3 Direct (straight arrows) and higher-order interactions (curve arrows) of neighbouring trees on a focal tree. The parameter $\alpha_{i_{m}j_{p}}$ quantifies the direct effect of a neighbour (individual p of species j) on the focal tree (individual m of species i). The direct interaction occurs only when a neighbour (jp) is located within a maximum radius (R) of im (solid straight arrows). The parameter $\beta_{i_{m}j_{p},k_{q}}$ quantifies the higher-order effect of a neighbour (individual q of species k) on the focal tree through another neighbour (individual p of species j). Higher-order interaction occurs only jp is located within the maximum radius (R) of im and kq is located within the maximum radius (R) of jp (solid curve arrows). Dashed arrows indicate direct interactions and higher-order interactions that are not considered when a neighbour is located outside the maximum radius (R) of the focal tree or its neighbour(s).
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