Biodiv Sci ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 734-748. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020005
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Togtokh Mongke,Haige Han,Ruoyang Zhao,Tugeqin Bao,Manglai Dugarjaviin(),Dongyi Bai()
Manglai Dugarjaviin,Dongyi Bai
Togtokh Mongke, Haige Han, Ruoyang Zhao, Tugeqin Bao, Manglai Dugarjaviin, Dongyi Bai. The origins and genetic characteristics of domestic horses[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2020, 28(6): 734-748.
Fig. 1 Comparison of body sizes of domestic horses of different breeds. Images sourced from licensed under CC BY 2.0, CC BY 2.5 and CC BY-SA 3.0.
Fig. 3 Comprasion of the gait of Bronze Running Horse and ambling horse. Images sourced from licensed under CC BY 2.0, CC BY 2.5 and CC BY-SA 3.0.
表型 Trait | 基因或QTL区域 Gene or QTL region | 代表性品种 Breed | 参考文献 Reference |
赛跑距离与冲刺能力 Racing distance and sprinting performance | MSTN | 纯血马 Thoroughbreds 夸特马 Quarter horse | |
赛跑能力 Racing performance | PDK4 | 纯血马 Thoroughbreds | |
步态类型(肢体协调能力) Gait type (characterization of motor coordination) | DMRT3 | 冰岛马 Icelandic horse 秘鲁帕索马、田纳西走马、 帕索菲诺、法国特罗特马 Peruvian paso, Tennessee walking horse, Paso Fino, French Trotter | |
跳跃表演能力 Jumping performance | PAPSS2, MYL2, TRHR, GABPA, NRAP, TBX4 | 汉诺威温血马 Hanoverian horse | |
I型多糖贮积性肌病(横纹肌溶解症) Polysaccharide storage myopathy type I, PSSM I (exertional rhabdomyolysis) | GYS1 | 挽马品种 Draft horse breeds 夸特马 Quarter horse | |
身体尺寸 Body size | LCORL, HMGA2, ZFAT, LASP1, NCAPG | 弗朗什?蒙塔涅斯马 Franches-Montagnes 美洲矮种马 American miniature horse 德保矮马 Debao pony | |
PROP1 | 弗里斯兰马 Friesian horse | ||
TBX3 | 德保矮马 Debao pony | ||
耳尖内翻 Inward-turning ear tips | TSHZ1 | 马尔瓦里 Marwari horse | |
极寒环境适应性 Extreme cold adaptation | 顺势调控元件 cis-regulatory | 雅库特马 Yakutian horse | |
高原低氧适应性 High-altitude hypoxia adaptation | EPAS1 | 藏马 Tibetan horse | Liu et al, 2019 |
Table 1 Examples for candidate genes with associations to the phenotypic traits of domestic horses
表型 Trait | 基因或QTL区域 Gene or QTL region | 代表性品种 Breed | 参考文献 Reference |
赛跑距离与冲刺能力 Racing distance and sprinting performance | MSTN | 纯血马 Thoroughbreds 夸特马 Quarter horse | |
赛跑能力 Racing performance | PDK4 | 纯血马 Thoroughbreds | |
步态类型(肢体协调能力) Gait type (characterization of motor coordination) | DMRT3 | 冰岛马 Icelandic horse 秘鲁帕索马、田纳西走马、 帕索菲诺、法国特罗特马 Peruvian paso, Tennessee walking horse, Paso Fino, French Trotter | |
跳跃表演能力 Jumping performance | PAPSS2, MYL2, TRHR, GABPA, NRAP, TBX4 | 汉诺威温血马 Hanoverian horse | |
I型多糖贮积性肌病(横纹肌溶解症) Polysaccharide storage myopathy type I, PSSM I (exertional rhabdomyolysis) | GYS1 | 挽马品种 Draft horse breeds 夸特马 Quarter horse | |
身体尺寸 Body size | LCORL, HMGA2, ZFAT, LASP1, NCAPG | 弗朗什?蒙塔涅斯马 Franches-Montagnes 美洲矮种马 American miniature horse 德保矮马 Debao pony | |
PROP1 | 弗里斯兰马 Friesian horse | ||
TBX3 | 德保矮马 Debao pony | ||
耳尖内翻 Inward-turning ear tips | TSHZ1 | 马尔瓦里 Marwari horse | |
极寒环境适应性 Extreme cold adaptation | 顺势调控元件 cis-regulatory | 雅库特马 Yakutian horse | |
高原低氧适应性 High-altitude hypoxia adaptation | EPAS1 | 藏马 Tibetan horse | Liu et al, 2019 |
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