Biodiv Sci ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (10): 1065-1074. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2017095
• Original Papers: Plant Diversity • Previous Articles Next Articles
Zengli He1, Han Xu2, Xinsheng Qin1,*(), Guangda Tang1, Yide Li2
Qin Xinsheng
Zengli He, Han Xu, Xinsheng Qin, Guangda Tang, Yide Li. Spatial distribution patterns and association of two Apocynaceae plants in the tropical mountain rainforests of Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2017, 25(10): 1065-1074.
树种 Tree species | 幼树 Young trees (%) | 中龄树 Middle-aged trees (%) | 成年树 Adult trees (%) | 总数 Total (%) |
盆架树 Alstonia rostrata | 1,098 (56.25) | 296 (15.16) | 558 (28.59) | 1,952 (100) |
尖蕾狗牙花 Tabernaemontana bufalina | 2,459 (74.05) | 751 (22.61) | 111 (3.34) | 3,321 (100) |
Table 1 Number of Alstonia rostrata and Tabernaemontana bufalina with different ages in the 60 ha forest dynamics plot in Jianfengling, Hainan Island.
树种 Tree species | 幼树 Young trees (%) | 中龄树 Middle-aged trees (%) | 成年树 Adult trees (%) | 总数 Total (%) |
盆架树 Alstonia rostrata | 1,098 (56.25) | 296 (15.16) | 558 (28.59) | 1,952 (100) |
尖蕾狗牙花 Tabernaemontana bufalina | 2,459 (74.05) | 751 (22.61) | 111 (3.34) | 3,321 (100) |
Fig. 1 Scatter distribution patterns of Alstonia rostrata and Tabernaemontana bufalina with different ages in the 60 ha forest dynamics plot in Jianfengling, Hainan Island. △ Young trees; □ Middle-aged trees; ● Adult trees.
Fig. 2 Point pattern analysis of Alstonia rostrata and Tabernaemontana bufalina with different ages in the 60 ha forest dynamics plot in Jianfengling, Hainan Island. (T), (Y), (M), (A) represent the total, young trees, middle-aged trees and adult trees, respectively. Solid lines are pair-correlation functions, and dotted lines are 99% confidence envelopes. Null models: complete spatial randomness (CSR) model and Heterogeneous Poission (HP) model with sigma = 15 m.
Fig. 3 Spatial association of intraspecific individuals of Alstonia rostrata and Tabernaemontana bufalina with different ages in the 60 ha forest dynamics plot in Jianfengling, Hainan Island. (T), (Y), (M), (A) represent the total, young trees, middle-aged trees and adult trees, respectively. Solid lines are pair-correlation functions, and dotted lines are 99% confidence envelopes. Null model: complete spatial randomness (CSR) model.
Fig. 4 Spatial association of interspecific individuals of Alstonia rostrate and Tabernaemontana bufalina with different ages in the 60 ha forest dynamics plot in Jianfengling, Hainan Island. (T), (Y), (M), (A) represent the total, young trees, middle-aged trees and adult trees, respectively. Solid lines are pair-correlation functions, and dotted lines are 99% confidence envelopes. Null model: complete spatial randomness (CSR) model.
地形因子 Topographic factors | 盆架树 Alstonia rostrata | 尖蕾狗牙花 Tabernaemontana bufalina | ||||||
总体 Total | 幼树 Young tree | 中龄树 Middle-aged tree | 成年树 Adult tree | 总体 Total | 幼树 Young tree | 中龄树 Middle-aged tree | 成年树 Adult tree | |
坡度 Slope | + | n | n | + | n | n | n | n |
海拔 Elevation | + | + | n | n | + | + | n | n |
凹凸度 Convex | + | + | + | n | + | + | + | n |
Table 2 Influences of topographic factors on the distribution of the individuals of Alstonia rostrata and Tabernaemontana bufalina with different ages in the 60 ha forest dynamics plot in Jianfengling, Hainan Island
地形因子 Topographic factors | 盆架树 Alstonia rostrata | 尖蕾狗牙花 Tabernaemontana bufalina | ||||||
总体 Total | 幼树 Young tree | 中龄树 Middle-aged tree | 成年树 Adult tree | 总体 Total | 幼树 Young tree | 中龄树 Middle-aged tree | 成年树 Adult tree | |
坡度 Slope | + | n | n | + | n | n | n | n |
海拔 Elevation | + | + | n | n | + | + | n | n |
凹凸度 Convex | + | + | + | n | + | + | + | n |
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