生物多样性 ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 456-466. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020369
张剑坛1,2,3, 李艳朋4, 张入匀5, 倪云龙1,2,3, 周文莹1,2,3, 练琚愉1,2,6,*(), 叶万辉1,2,6
Jiantan Zhang1,2,3, Yanpeng Li4, Ruyun Zhang5, Yunlong Ni1,2,3, Wenying Zhou1,2,3, Juyu Lian1,2,6,*(), Wanhui Ye1,2,6
Juyu Lian
About author:
* E-mail: lianjy@scbg.ac.cn摘要:
如何便捷准确地测量树高一直是林学及群落生态学所关心的问题。由于木材密度与树木生长密切相关, 因此基于木材密度建立树高曲线模型能够为测量树高提供新的方法。本文以鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林1.44 ha塔吊样地内119个物种的4,032个个体为研究对象, 利用树高、胸径和木材密度数据来探究基于枝条木材密度分级的树高曲线模型。首先, 对个体进行随机抽样, 将其划分为建模样本(占总样本量的70%)和检验样本(占总样本量的30%), 并通过聚类分析将所有个体的木材密度划分为4级。其次, 基于建模样本利用常见的5种理论生长方程(Richards、Korf、Logistic、Gompertz和Weibull方程)对不同分级建立树高-胸径模型; 基于检验样本检验模型精度, 并确定各分级的最适模型。最后, 构建基于物种分类的树高曲线模型, 并比较其与木材密度分级模型的差异。结果表明: 基于木材密度分级的模型, 各分级小组检验样本的平均绝对误差(MAE)和均方根误差(RMSE)最小值所对应的模型类型与建模样本结果一致, 确定Gompertz模型和Weibull模型为鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林最适树高模型类型。比较基于木材密度分级的模型与基于物种分类的模型, 发现二者的MAE、RMSE指数差异小。综上, 基于木材密度分级的树高曲线模型对树高估测精度高, 使用方便, 为树高预测提供了新方法, 可以更好服务森林调查等生产实践。
张剑坛, 李艳朋, 张入匀, 倪云龙, 周文莹, 练琚愉, 叶万辉 (2021) 基于枝条木材密度分级的鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林树高曲线模型. 生物多样性, 29, 456-466. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020369.
Jiantan Zhang, Yanpeng Li, Ruyun Zhang, Yunlong Ni, Wenying Zhou, Juyu Lian, Wanhui Ye (2021) Height-diameter models based on branch wood density classification for the south subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest of Dinghushan. Biodiversity Science, 29, 456-466. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020369.
序号 No. | 模型类型 Model types | 模型表达式 Model forms | ||||||||||
1 | Richards | H = a × (1 - e?b × D)c | ||||||||||
2 | Korf | H = a × (e?b/D^c) | ||||||||||
3 | Logistic | H = a / (1 + b × e-c × D) | ||||||||||
4 | Gompertz | H = a × (e?b × e^(-c × D)) | ||||||||||
5 | Weibull | H = a × (1 - e?b × D^c) |
表1 5种候选树高-胸径曲线模型。H为树高; D为胸径; a, b, c为参数。
Table 1 Five kinds of height-diameter models. H, Tree height; D, Diameter at breast height; a, b and c are parameters.
序号 No. | 模型类型 Model types | 模型表达式 Model forms | ||||||||||
1 | Richards | H = a × (1 - e?b × D)c | ||||||||||
2 | Korf | H = a × (e?b/D^c) | ||||||||||
3 | Logistic | H = a / (1 + b × e-c × D) | ||||||||||
4 | Gompertz | H = a × (e?b × e^(-c × D)) | ||||||||||
5 | Weibull | H = a × (1 - e?b × D^c) |
图1 木材密度分级最优分级组数判断指标。(a)表示每个对象在不同分级情况下的归属, 一种颜色代表一个分级组; (b)展示了不同分级组数对应的ssi值大小。
Fig. 1 The judgment index partitioning optimal groups of wood density classification. (a) The groups that each object is categorized with different conditions and different groups were distinguished by different colors; (b) The value of simple structure index (ssi) for different number of groups.
组别 Groups | 木材密度范围 Wood density ranges (g/cm3) | 个体数 No. of individuals | 胸径范围 D ranges (cm) | 树高范围 Tree height ranges (m) | 模型表达式 Model expressions |
I | [0.06, 0.31) | 747 | [1.0, 32.8] | [1.5, 21.5] | H = 20.100 × (1 - e?0.111 × D^0.680) |
II | [0.31, 0.45) | 908 | [1.0, 47.8] | [1.4, 25.7] | H = 54.000 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.656) |
III | [0.45, 0.57) | 1,577 | [1.0, 66.0] | [1.4, 27.1] | H = 20.890 × e?2.257 × e^(-0.098 × D) |
IV | [0.57, 0.82] | 800 | [1.0, 62.6] | [1.6, 27.1] | H = 51.700 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.704) |
表2 基于木材密度分级的树高曲线模型。H为树高, D为胸径。
Table 2 Height-diameter models based on wood density classification. H, Tree height; D, Diameter at breast height.
组别 Groups | 木材密度范围 Wood density ranges (g/cm3) | 个体数 No. of individuals | 胸径范围 D ranges (cm) | 树高范围 Tree height ranges (m) | 模型表达式 Model expressions |
I | [0.06, 0.31) | 747 | [1.0, 32.8] | [1.5, 21.5] | H = 20.100 × (1 - e?0.111 × D^0.680) |
II | [0.31, 0.45) | 908 | [1.0, 47.8] | [1.4, 25.7] | H = 54.000 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.656) |
III | [0.45, 0.57) | 1,577 | [1.0, 66.0] | [1.4, 27.1] | H = 20.890 × e?2.257 × e^(-0.098 × D) |
IV | [0.57, 0.82] | 800 | [1.0, 62.6] | [1.6, 27.1] | H = 51.700 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.704) |
组别 Group | 样本数 Sample site | 模型 Model | 参数 Parameter | 拟合精度 Fitting accuracy | 预估精度 Prediction accuracy | 最适模型 Optimal model | |||||
拟合 Fitting | 检验 Validation | a | b | c | RMSE | AIC | MAE | RMSE | |||
Ⅰ | 504 | 204 | Richards | 13.300*** | 0.068*** | 0.680*** | 1.070 | 1,503.427 | 0.796 | 1.313 | Weibull |
Korf | 27.100*** | 2.689*** | 0.349*** | 1.098 | 1,529.476 | 0.821 | 1.338 | ||||
Logistic | 12.168*** | 4.165*** | 0.232*** | 1.069 | 1,502.340 | 0.844 | 1.334 | ||||
Gompertz | 13.370*** | 1.841*** | 0.141*** | 1.056 | 1,489.855 | 0.814 | 1.281 | ||||
Weibull | 20.100*** | 0.111*** | 0.680*** | 1.055 | 1,489.608 | 0.783 | 1.250 | ||||
II | 637 | 283 | Richards | 34.200*** | 0.013*** | 0.648*** | 1.537 | 2,357.280 | 0.966 | 1.532 | Weibull |
Korf | 99.700*** | 4.112*** | 0.241*** | 1.621 | 2,430.865 | 1.052 | 1.598 | ||||
Logistic | 20.517*** | 6.009*** | 0.132*** | 1.575 | 2,394.034 | 1.075 | 1.571 | ||||
Gompertz | 21.977*** | 2.140*** | 0.078*** | 1.532 | 2,359.453 | 1.013 | 1.529 | ||||
Weibull | 54.000*** | 0.040*** | 0.656*** | 1.531 | 2,358.118 | 0.960 | 1.520 | ||||
III | 1,095 | 476 | Richards | 26.816*** | 0.030*** | 0.759*** | 1.753 | 4,344.796 | 1.071 | 1.689 | Gompertz |
Korf | 163.700*** | 4.627*** | 0.216*** | 1.788 | 4,388.426 | 1.132 | 1.735 | ||||
Logistic | 19.723*** | 6.575*** | 0.160*** | 1.796 | 4,398.290 | 1.126 | 1.702 | ||||
Gompertz | 20.890*** | 2.257*** | 0.098*** | 1.746 | 4,335.966 | 1.043 | 1.655 | ||||
Weibull | 28.980*** | 0.065*** | 0.796*** | 1.758 | 4,350.653 | 1.077 | 1.693 | ||||
IV | 587 | 243 | Richards | 33.700*** | 0.018*** | 0.697*** | 1.401 | 2,069.142 | 1.030 | 1.639 | Weibull |
Korf | 83.600*** | 3.979*** | 0.271*** | 1.504 | 2,152.666 | 1.133 | 1.729 | ||||
Logistic | 21.793*** | 6.432*** | 0.139*** | 1.488 | 2,140.307 | 1.107 | 1.727 | ||||
Gompertz | 23.945*** | 2.236*** | 0.080*** | 1.422 | 2,087.314 | 1.059 | 1.663 | ||||
Weibull | 51.700*** | 0.040*** | 0.704*** | 1.394 | 2,063.593 | 1.025 | 1.624 |
表3 不同木材密度分级区间树高曲线模型的拟合与检验。AIC: 赤池信息准则; MAE: 平均绝对误差; RMSE: 均方根误差。 ***, P < 0.001.
Table 3 The fitting and validation results of tree height curve model in different wood density grading ranges. AIC, Akaike information criterion; MAE, Mean absolute error; RMSE, Root mean squared error. ***, P < 0.001.
组别 Group | 样本数 Sample site | 模型 Model | 参数 Parameter | 拟合精度 Fitting accuracy | 预估精度 Prediction accuracy | 最适模型 Optimal model | |||||
拟合 Fitting | 检验 Validation | a | b | c | RMSE | AIC | MAE | RMSE | |||
Ⅰ | 504 | 204 | Richards | 13.300*** | 0.068*** | 0.680*** | 1.070 | 1,503.427 | 0.796 | 1.313 | Weibull |
Korf | 27.100*** | 2.689*** | 0.349*** | 1.098 | 1,529.476 | 0.821 | 1.338 | ||||
Logistic | 12.168*** | 4.165*** | 0.232*** | 1.069 | 1,502.340 | 0.844 | 1.334 | ||||
Gompertz | 13.370*** | 1.841*** | 0.141*** | 1.056 | 1,489.855 | 0.814 | 1.281 | ||||
Weibull | 20.100*** | 0.111*** | 0.680*** | 1.055 | 1,489.608 | 0.783 | 1.250 | ||||
II | 637 | 283 | Richards | 34.200*** | 0.013*** | 0.648*** | 1.537 | 2,357.280 | 0.966 | 1.532 | Weibull |
Korf | 99.700*** | 4.112*** | 0.241*** | 1.621 | 2,430.865 | 1.052 | 1.598 | ||||
Logistic | 20.517*** | 6.009*** | 0.132*** | 1.575 | 2,394.034 | 1.075 | 1.571 | ||||
Gompertz | 21.977*** | 2.140*** | 0.078*** | 1.532 | 2,359.453 | 1.013 | 1.529 | ||||
Weibull | 54.000*** | 0.040*** | 0.656*** | 1.531 | 2,358.118 | 0.960 | 1.520 | ||||
III | 1,095 | 476 | Richards | 26.816*** | 0.030*** | 0.759*** | 1.753 | 4,344.796 | 1.071 | 1.689 | Gompertz |
Korf | 163.700*** | 4.627*** | 0.216*** | 1.788 | 4,388.426 | 1.132 | 1.735 | ||||
Logistic | 19.723*** | 6.575*** | 0.160*** | 1.796 | 4,398.290 | 1.126 | 1.702 | ||||
Gompertz | 20.890*** | 2.257*** | 0.098*** | 1.746 | 4,335.966 | 1.043 | 1.655 | ||||
Weibull | 28.980*** | 0.065*** | 0.796*** | 1.758 | 4,350.653 | 1.077 | 1.693 | ||||
IV | 587 | 243 | Richards | 33.700*** | 0.018*** | 0.697*** | 1.401 | 2,069.142 | 1.030 | 1.639 | Weibull |
Korf | 83.600*** | 3.979*** | 0.271*** | 1.504 | 2,152.666 | 1.133 | 1.729 | ||||
Logistic | 21.793*** | 6.432*** | 0.139*** | 1.488 | 2,140.307 | 1.107 | 1.727 | ||||
Gompertz | 23.945*** | 2.236*** | 0.080*** | 1.422 | 2,087.314 | 1.059 | 1.663 | ||||
Weibull | 51.700*** | 0.040*** | 0.704*** | 1.394 | 2,063.593 | 1.025 | 1.624 |
图2 四组木材密度分级区间模型拟合曲线。图A、B、C、D木材密度分别为[0.06, 0.31)、[0.31, 0.45)、[0.45, 0.57)和[0.57, 0.82]。阴影部分为95%置信区间范围。
Fig. 2 Four groups of wood density grading interval model fitting curve and original data distribution diagram. Figure A, B, C and D represent the interval of wood density [0.06, 0.31), [0.31, 0.45), [0.45, 0.57), [0.57, 0.82], respectively. The shaded part represent the 95% confidence interval.
物种 Species | 基于物种分类模型 Model based on species classification | 基于木材密度分级模型 Model based on wood density classification | ||||
模型表达式 Model expressions | MAE | RMSE | 模型表达式 Model expressions | MAE | RMSE | |
白楸 Mallotus paniculatus | H = 18.621 × e?1.727 × e^(?0.088 × D) | 0.805 | 1.198 | H = 54.000 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.656) | 0.961 | 1.323 |
橄榄 Canarium album | H = 20.194 × e-2.230 × e^(?0.115 × D) | 0.677 | 0.979 | H = 20.100 × (1 - e?0.111 × D^0.680) | 0.950 | 1.705 |
黄杞 Engelhardia roxburghiana | H = 22.881 × (1 - e?0.118 × D^0.774) | 0.678 | 0.992 | H = 54.000 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.656) | 1.418 | 1.795 |
假苹婆 Sterculia lanceolata | H = 12.486 × e?1.837 × e^(?0.144 × D) | 0.565 | 0.839 | H = 54.000 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.656) | 0.611 | 0.960 |
九节 Psychotria asiatica | H = 4.063 / (1 + 1.628 × e?0.471 × D) | 0.312 | 0.482 | H = 20.890 × e?2.257 × e^(?0.098 × D) | 0.848 | 0.927 |
黧蒴锥 Castanopsis fissa | H = 9.203 × (1 - e?0.177 × D)0.742 | 0.585 | 0.823 | H = 20.890 × e?2.257 × e^(?0.098 × D) | 0.934 | 1.567 |
罗伞树 Ardisia quinquegona | H = 7.523 / (1 + 4.178 × e?0.637 × D) | 0.454 | 0.593 | H = 51.700 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.704) | 0.497 | 0.648 |
蒲桃 Syzygium jambos | H = 11.534 / (1 + 4.412 × e?0.242 × D) | 0.718 | 1.030 | H = 51.700 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.704) | 1.050 | 1.616 |
肉实树 Sarcosperma laurinum | H = 12.527 × e?1.966 × e^(?0.159 × D) | 0.386 | 0.532 | H = 54.000 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.656) | 0.460 | 0.678 |
水同木 Ficus fistulosa | H = 9.300 × (1 - e?0.204 × D^0.881) | 0.560 | 0.749 | H = 20.100 × (1 - e?0.111 × D^0.680) | 0.674 | 0.873 |
鱼骨木 Canthium dicoccum | H = 15.121 × e?2.057 × e^(?0.215 × D) | 1.109 | 1.516 | H = 51.700 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.704) | 1.527 | 1.951 |
鱼尾葵 Caryota maxima | H = 32.827 / (1 + 8.650 × e?0.090 × D) | 1.881 | 2.563 | H = 54.000 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.656) | 2.572 | 3.412 |
木荷 Schima superba | H = 20.978 / (1 + 5.011 × e?0.131 × D) | 2.020 | 2.694 | H = 20.890 × e?2.257 × e^(?0.098 × D) | 2.055 | 2.724 |
黄果厚壳桂 Cryptocarya concinna | H = 8.149 / (1 + 4.416 × e?0.604 × D) | 0.481 | 0.710 | H = 20.890 × e?2.257 × e^(?0.098 × D) | 0.691 | 1.066 |
鹅掌柴 Schefflera heptaphylla | H = 12.604 × e?1.740 × e^(?0.137 × D) | 0.777 | 1.097 | H = 20.100 × (1 - e?0.111 × D^0.680) | 0.791 | 1.106 |
银柴 Aporosa dioica | H = 18.300 × (1 - e?0.107 × D^0.725) | 0.634 | 0.931 | H = 20.890 × e?2.257 × e^(?0.098 × D) | 0.764 | 1.105 |
锥栗 Castanea henryi | H = 19.793 × e?2.253 × e^(?0.101 × D) | 1.662 | 2.247 | H = 20.890 × e?2.257 × e^(?0.098 × D) | 1.752 | 2.346 |
表4 个体数大于50的17个物种基于物种分类模型和木材密度分级模型的差异。H为树高, D为胸径; MAE: 平均绝对误差; RMSE: 均方根误差。
Table 4 Differences between species classification model and wood density classification model of 17 species with more than 50 individuals. H, Tree height, D, Diameter at breast height; MAE, Mean absolute error; RMSE, Root mean squared error.
物种 Species | 基于物种分类模型 Model based on species classification | 基于木材密度分级模型 Model based on wood density classification | ||||
模型表达式 Model expressions | MAE | RMSE | 模型表达式 Model expressions | MAE | RMSE | |
白楸 Mallotus paniculatus | H = 18.621 × e?1.727 × e^(?0.088 × D) | 0.805 | 1.198 | H = 54.000 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.656) | 0.961 | 1.323 |
橄榄 Canarium album | H = 20.194 × e-2.230 × e^(?0.115 × D) | 0.677 | 0.979 | H = 20.100 × (1 - e?0.111 × D^0.680) | 0.950 | 1.705 |
黄杞 Engelhardia roxburghiana | H = 22.881 × (1 - e?0.118 × D^0.774) | 0.678 | 0.992 | H = 54.000 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.656) | 1.418 | 1.795 |
假苹婆 Sterculia lanceolata | H = 12.486 × e?1.837 × e^(?0.144 × D) | 0.565 | 0.839 | H = 54.000 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.656) | 0.611 | 0.960 |
九节 Psychotria asiatica | H = 4.063 / (1 + 1.628 × e?0.471 × D) | 0.312 | 0.482 | H = 20.890 × e?2.257 × e^(?0.098 × D) | 0.848 | 0.927 |
黧蒴锥 Castanopsis fissa | H = 9.203 × (1 - e?0.177 × D)0.742 | 0.585 | 0.823 | H = 20.890 × e?2.257 × e^(?0.098 × D) | 0.934 | 1.567 |
罗伞树 Ardisia quinquegona | H = 7.523 / (1 + 4.178 × e?0.637 × D) | 0.454 | 0.593 | H = 51.700 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.704) | 0.497 | 0.648 |
蒲桃 Syzygium jambos | H = 11.534 / (1 + 4.412 × e?0.242 × D) | 0.718 | 1.030 | H = 51.700 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.704) | 1.050 | 1.616 |
肉实树 Sarcosperma laurinum | H = 12.527 × e?1.966 × e^(?0.159 × D) | 0.386 | 0.532 | H = 54.000 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.656) | 0.460 | 0.678 |
水同木 Ficus fistulosa | H = 9.300 × (1 - e?0.204 × D^0.881) | 0.560 | 0.749 | H = 20.100 × (1 - e?0.111 × D^0.680) | 0.674 | 0.873 |
鱼骨木 Canthium dicoccum | H = 15.121 × e?2.057 × e^(?0.215 × D) | 1.109 | 1.516 | H = 51.700 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.704) | 1.527 | 1.951 |
鱼尾葵 Caryota maxima | H = 32.827 / (1 + 8.650 × e?0.090 × D) | 1.881 | 2.563 | H = 54.000 × (1 - e?0.040 × D^0.656) | 2.572 | 3.412 |
木荷 Schima superba | H = 20.978 / (1 + 5.011 × e?0.131 × D) | 2.020 | 2.694 | H = 20.890 × e?2.257 × e^(?0.098 × D) | 2.055 | 2.724 |
黄果厚壳桂 Cryptocarya concinna | H = 8.149 / (1 + 4.416 × e?0.604 × D) | 0.481 | 0.710 | H = 20.890 × e?2.257 × e^(?0.098 × D) | 0.691 | 1.066 |
鹅掌柴 Schefflera heptaphylla | H = 12.604 × e?1.740 × e^(?0.137 × D) | 0.777 | 1.097 | H = 20.100 × (1 - e?0.111 × D^0.680) | 0.791 | 1.106 |
银柴 Aporosa dioica | H = 18.300 × (1 - e?0.107 × D^0.725) | 0.634 | 0.931 | H = 20.890 × e?2.257 × e^(?0.098 × D) | 0.764 | 1.105 |
锥栗 Castanea henryi | H = 19.793 × e?2.253 × e^(?0.101 × D) | 1.662 | 2.247 | H = 20.890 × e?2.257 × e^(?0.098 × D) | 1.752 | 2.346 |
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