生物多样性 ›› 1998, Vol. 06 ›› Issue (4): 248-252.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.1998036

所属专题: 昆虫多样性与生态功能

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  1. (中国科学院昆明动物研究所,  昆明 650223)
    (西南林学院,  昆明 650224)
  • 收稿日期:1997-10-27 修回日期:1998-01-12 出版日期:1998-11-20 发布日期:1998-11-20

A preliminary study on the diversity and control evaluation of natural enemies of coffee stem borers, Xy-lotrechus quardripes and Acalolepta cervinus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Simao region, Yunnan Province

WEI Jia-Ning1),YU Xin-Wen2)   

  1. 1) Kunming Institute of Zoology , the Chinese Academy of Sciences , Kunming  650223
    2) Department of Forest Protection , Southwest Forestry College , Kunming  650224
  • Received:1997-10-27 Revised:1998-01-12 Online:1998-11-20 Published:1998-11-20


作者在1994~1997年的调查研究中发现思茅地区拥有丰富的天敌资源。共鉴定出8种主要捕食和寄生于咖啡天牛的天敌,其中蚂蚁类4种:立毛举腹蚁(Crematogaster  ferrarii)、黑褐举腹蚁(C.rogenhoferi)、中华小家蚁(Monomorium chinense )和法老家蚁(M.pharaonis );蠼螋2种:蠼螋(Labidura riparia)、锤角螋(Nesogaster sp.);寄生蜂2 种:间斑举腹姬蜂(Pristaulacus intermedius)和茶色茧蜂(Iphiaulax rufus)。饲养和调查结果显示,黑褐举腹蚁、立毛举腹蚁、间斑举腹姬蜂和蠼螋4种捕食或寄生性天敌,自然种群大、控制能力强,有很大的利用前景。建议生产中减少化学农药的施用,以保护天敌的生存环境,发挥天敌的自然控制作用。

AbstractThe investigation during 1994 ~ 1997 on natural enemies of coffee stem borer , Xylot rechus quardripes and Acalolepta cervinus , indicated that there exists high diversity of natural enemies in coffee ecosystem in Simao region , Yunnan Province. There are at least four hymenopterous predatory species (ants) belonging to Crematogaster ferrarii , C. rogenhof eri , Monomorium chinense and M. pharaonis , two hymenopterous parasitoid species belonging to Pristaulacus intermedius (Aulacidae) , Iphiaulax rufus , and two dermaptera predatory species belonging to Labidura riparia and Nesogaster sp. . Among them , C. ferrarii and C. rogenhoferi showed the highest predatism with nearly 50 % , Pristaulacus intermedius showed higher parasitism with 8 % and occured almost in all seasons , and L abidura riparia showed higher predatism with 10 % and could be found almost all the year round. Therefore , these four natural enemies species seemed to be the most important agent for biological control of coffee stem borers population. Furthermore , we suggested that chemical pesticide should be reduced and the ecosystem of coffee plant should be protected and improved , so that natural enemy could exert their function of biological control effectively.