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    Volume 31 Issue 增刊
    20 September 2023
    The picture shows the status of China’s species diversity. Data from the Catalogue of Life China 2023. There are 38,844 higher plants, including 3,130 bryophytes, 2,416 pteridophytes, 291 gymnosperms and 33,007 angiosperms in China. The country also has 8,472 vertebrate species in China, including 694 mammals, 1,445 birds, 629 amphibians, 626 reptiles and 5,078 fishes. Additionally, China has 463 bacteria and 24,571 fungi. (Phtotograph credit: Yahui Zhao, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xin Dai, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Cheng Gao, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; etc.)
    China's Biodiversity Status Report (20212022)
    Biodiversity Committee, Chinese Academy Sciences
    Biodiv Sci. 2023, 31 (增刊):  23286.  doi:10.17520/biods.2023286
    Abstract ( 470 )   PDF (5265KB) ( 1033 )   Save
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