Biodiv Sci ›› 1994, Vol. 02 ›› Issue (4): 193-198.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.1994031

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A survey on tbe habitats of rare and endangered aquatic plants in Hunan Province

Wang Xiaofan, ChenJiakuan   

  1. College of Life Science,Wuhan University,Wuhan,430072
  • Received:1993-11-09 Revised:1994-04-14 Online:1994-11-20 Published:1994-11-20


In Chaling County, Huna Province, Huli Marsh (26°50' N、113°40' E, 150m above sea level)was investigated.It is surrounded with hills and covers about 0. 15km2. 62 species of aquatic vascular plants were collected inthis marsh. Of which, more than 2 species are rare or endangered plants, they are: Oryza rufipogon,Ranalisma rostrata, etc. The total species or the rare and endangered apecies are more than those of the mostmembers of the marshs or lakes in China, which related to the complexity and stability of the habitat.Authors suggest that these rare or endangered plants and their habitat should be conserved.