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Table 2 The similarity coefficient among the fish communities of the four sampling sites of Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek
白鹤 Baihe
黄渡 Huangdu
淀峰 Dianfeng
松浦大桥 Songpu Bridge
白鹤 Baihe
黄渡 Huangdu
淀峰 Dianfeng
松浦大桥 Songpu Bridge
Fig. 2 Trophic structure(A) and ecological habits(B) of fish species at the four sampling sites of Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek
Fig. 2 Trophic structure(A) and ecological habits(B) of fish species at the four sampling sites of Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek
Fig. 3 The average value of DO, CODcr, NH3-N along Huangpu River (A) and Suzhou Creek (B) from 1996 to 2005. DF, Dianfeng; SP, Songpu Bridge; LJ, Linjiang; ZT, Zhaotun; BH, Baihe; HD, Huangdu; HC, Huacao; BXJ, Beixinjing; WNLQ, Wuning Road Bridge
Fig. 3 The average value of DO, CODcr, NH3-N along Huangpu River (A) and Suzhou Creek (B) from 1996 to 2005. DF, Dianfeng; SP, Songpu Bridge; LJ, Linjiang; ZT, Zhaotun; BH, Baihe; HD, Huangdu; HC, Huacao; BXJ, Beixinjing; WNLQ, Wuning Road Bridge
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