生物多样性 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (7): 23100. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023100
陈馥艳1,2, 游旨价1,*(), 张秋月1, 黄健1, 星耀武1,*()
* E-mail: 作者简介:
Fuyan Chen1,2, Chih-Chieh Yu1,*(), Qiuyue Zhang1, Jian Huang1, Yaowu Xing1,*()
* E-mail: 摘要:
探究生物多样性在类群和空间不均一性的形成机制对于认识多样性的形成和演化规律具有重要意义, 也是生物学研究的热点之一。鬼臼亚科属于小檗科, 包含10属约89种, 属间物种数量差异巨大。本研究利用比较系统发育学的研究方法, 重建了鬼臼亚科的系统发育关系、分化时间和多样化历史, 并探讨了生物和非生物因素对净多样化速率的影响。研究结果表明鬼臼亚科起源于92.75 Myr, 净多样化速率在约23 Myr开始明显提升, 最显著的净多样化速率转变发生在21 Myr附近的淫羊藿属(Epimedium)分支上。基于性状的演化速率分析显示, 具有蜜距和分布在东亚亚热带的类群具有较高的净多样化速率, 但淫羊藿属特定的距长对其物种的净多样化速率没有影响; 果实类型、假种皮和气生茎的有无对类群间净多样化速率无影响。本研究表明功能性状的演化和中新世以来东亚地区季风气候的加强导致了鬼臼亚科内部多样性的分布不均。
陈馥艳, 游旨价, 张秋月, 黄健, 星耀武 (2023) 小檗科鬼臼亚科多样性格局的演化历史和成因. 生物多样性, 31, 23100. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023100.
Fuyan Chen, Chih-Chieh Yu, Qiuyue Zhang, Jian Huang, Yaowu Xing (2023) The diversification history of Podophylloideae (Berberidaceae) and its underlying drivers. Biodiversity Science, 31, 23100. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023100.
图1 鬼臼亚科不同属的分布及花的形态多样性。(A)裸花草属, Walter Siegmund摄, CC BY-SA 3.0; (B)折瓣花属, Walter Siegmund摄, CC BY-SA 3.0; (C)北美桃儿七属, Wasrts摄, CC BY-SA 4.0; (D)山荷叶属, 游旨价摄; (E)二叶鲜黄连属, Krzysztof Ziarnek摄, CC BY-SA 4.0; (F)山槐叶属, Ori Fragman-Sapir摄, CC BY-SA 3.0; (G)桃儿七属, 游旨价摄; (H)鬼臼属, Cathy DeWitt摄, CC BY 4.0; (I)淫羊藿属, 游旨价摄; (J)鲜黄连属, Krzysztof Ziarnek摄, CC BY-SA 4.0。地图来自 https://vemaps.com。
Fig. 1 Distribution and flower morphological diversity of each genus in Podophylloideae. (A) Achlys, photo by Walter Siegmund/CC BY-SA 3.0; (B) Vancouveria, photo by Walter Siegmund/CC BY-SA 3.0; (C) Podophyllum, photo by Wasrts/CC BY-SA 4.0; (D) Diphylleia, photo by Chih-Chieh Yu; (E) Jeffersonia, photo by Krzysztof Ziarnek /CC BY-SA 4.0; (F) Bongardia, photo by Ori Fragman-Sapir/CC BY-SA 3.0; (G) Sinopodophyllum, photo by Chih-Chieh Yu; (H) Dysosma, photo by Cathy DeWitt/CC BY 4.0; (I)Epimedium, photo by Chih-Chieh Yu; (J) Plagiorhegma, photo by Krzysztof Ziarnek /CC BY-SA 4.0. The map is taken from https://vemaps.com.
物种 Species | 采集地点 Sampling site | 序列号 Accession no. |
天全淫羊藿 E. flavum | 中国四川省天全县二郎山 Erlang Mountain, Tianquan County, Sichuan, China (29.87° N, 102.31° E) | OQ674756 |
短茎淫羊藿 E. brachyrrhizum | 中国贵州省岑巩县地郎 Dilang, Cengong County, Guizhou, China (27.32° N, 108.61° E) | OQ674753 |
黔岭淫羊藿 E. leptorrhizum | 中国重庆市黔江区仰头山森林公园 Yangtoushan Forest Park, Qianjiang District, Chongqing, China (29.56° N, 108.79° E) | OQ674758 |
紫距淫羊藿 E. epsteinii | 中国湖南省桑植县八大公山自然保护区 Badagong Mountain National Nature Reserve, Sangzhi County, Hunan, China (29.78° N, 110.09° E) | OQ674754 |
箭叶淫羊藿 E. sagittatum | 中国重庆市忠县刺竹沟 Cizhugou, Zhong County, Chongqing, China (30.10° N, 108.03° E) | OQ674759 |
E. pubigerum | 英国邱园(栽培) Kew Gardens, the United Kingdom (cultivated) | OQ674751 |
E. perralderianum | 英国邱园(栽培) Kew Gardens, the United Kingdom (cultivated) | OQ674757 |
E. alpinum | 英国邱园(栽培) Kew Gardens, the United Kingdom (cultivated) | OQ674755 |
E. diphyllum | 英国邱园(栽培) Kew Gardens, the United Kingdom (cultivated) | OQ674750 |
E. grandiflorum var. thunbergianum | 日本岩手县八幡平市 Hachimantai, Iwate Prefecture, Japan (39.95° N, 140.88° E) | OQ674752 |
表1 本研究新采集的淫羊藿属信息及上传至GenBank的序列号
Table 1 Sampling information of newly sequenced Epimedium in this study
物种 Species | 采集地点 Sampling site | 序列号 Accession no. |
天全淫羊藿 E. flavum | 中国四川省天全县二郎山 Erlang Mountain, Tianquan County, Sichuan, China (29.87° N, 102.31° E) | OQ674756 |
短茎淫羊藿 E. brachyrrhizum | 中国贵州省岑巩县地郎 Dilang, Cengong County, Guizhou, China (27.32° N, 108.61° E) | OQ674753 |
黔岭淫羊藿 E. leptorrhizum | 中国重庆市黔江区仰头山森林公园 Yangtoushan Forest Park, Qianjiang District, Chongqing, China (29.56° N, 108.79° E) | OQ674758 |
紫距淫羊藿 E. epsteinii | 中国湖南省桑植县八大公山自然保护区 Badagong Mountain National Nature Reserve, Sangzhi County, Hunan, China (29.78° N, 110.09° E) | OQ674754 |
箭叶淫羊藿 E. sagittatum | 中国重庆市忠县刺竹沟 Cizhugou, Zhong County, Chongqing, China (30.10° N, 108.03° E) | OQ674759 |
E. pubigerum | 英国邱园(栽培) Kew Gardens, the United Kingdom (cultivated) | OQ674751 |
E. perralderianum | 英国邱园(栽培) Kew Gardens, the United Kingdom (cultivated) | OQ674757 |
E. alpinum | 英国邱园(栽培) Kew Gardens, the United Kingdom (cultivated) | OQ674755 |
E. diphyllum | 英国邱园(栽培) Kew Gardens, the United Kingdom (cultivated) | OQ674750 |
E. grandiflorum var. thunbergianum | 日本岩手县八幡平市 Hachimantai, Iwate Prefecture, Japan (39.95° N, 140.88° E) | OQ674752 |
模型 Model | 性状状态 Trait state | 成种速率 Speciation rate (λ) | 灭绝速率 Extinction rate (μ) | 转化率 Turnover rate (q) |
CID | 0, 1 | λ0 = λ1 | μ0 = μ1 | q01 ≠ q10 |
BiSSE | 0, 1 | λ0 ≠ λ1 | μ0 ≠ μ1 | q01 ≠ q10 |
CID-2 | 0A, 1A, 0B, 1B | λ0A = λ1A, λ0B = λ1B | μ0A = μ1A, μ0B = μ1B | q0A→1A = q1A→0A, q0B→1B = q1B→0B |
CID-4 | 0A, 1A, 0B, 1B, 0C, 1C, 0D, 1D | λ0A = λ1A, λ0B = λ1B, λ0C = λ1C, λ0D = λ1D | μ0A = μ1A, μ0B = μ1B, μ0C = μ1C, μ0D = μ1D | q0A→1A = q1A→0A, q0B→1B = q1B→0B, q0C→1C = q1C→0C, q0D→1D = q1D→0D |
HiSSE FULL | 0A, 1A, 0B, 1B, 0C, 1C, 0D, 1D | λ0A ≠ λ1A, λ0B ≠ λ1B, λ0C ≠ λ1C, λ0D ≠ λ1D | μ0A ≠ μ1A, μ0B ≠ μ1B, μ0C ≠ μ1C, μ0D ≠ μ1D | q0A→1A ≠ q1A→0A, q0B→1B ≠ q1B→0B, q0C→1C ≠ q1C→0C, q0D→1D ≠ q1D→0D |
表2 隐藏状态物种形成和灭绝分析使用的模型
Table 2 Selected models in Hidden State Speciation and Extinction analysis
模型 Model | 性状状态 Trait state | 成种速率 Speciation rate (λ) | 灭绝速率 Extinction rate (μ) | 转化率 Turnover rate (q) |
CID | 0, 1 | λ0 = λ1 | μ0 = μ1 | q01 ≠ q10 |
BiSSE | 0, 1 | λ0 ≠ λ1 | μ0 ≠ μ1 | q01 ≠ q10 |
CID-2 | 0A, 1A, 0B, 1B | λ0A = λ1A, λ0B = λ1B | μ0A = μ1A, μ0B = μ1B | q0A→1A = q1A→0A, q0B→1B = q1B→0B |
CID-4 | 0A, 1A, 0B, 1B, 0C, 1C, 0D, 1D | λ0A = λ1A, λ0B = λ1B, λ0C = λ1C, λ0D = λ1D | μ0A = μ1A, μ0B = μ1B, μ0C = μ1C, μ0D = μ1D | q0A→1A = q1A→0A, q0B→1B = q1B→0B, q0C→1C = q1C→0C, q0D→1D = q1D→0D |
HiSSE FULL | 0A, 1A, 0B, 1B, 0C, 1C, 0D, 1D | λ0A ≠ λ1A, λ0B ≠ λ1B, λ0C ≠ λ1C, λ0D ≠ λ1D | μ0A ≠ μ1A, μ0B ≠ μ1B, μ0C ≠ μ1C, μ0D ≠ μ1D | q0A→1A ≠ q1A→0A, q0B→1B ≠ q1B→0B, q0C→1C ≠ q1C→0C, q0D→1D ≠ q1D→0D |
图2 鬼臼亚科系统关系(中文名称见附录1)。(a)和(b)分别为基于最大似然法和贝叶斯方法推断的拓扑结构, 节点处标出了小于100的自展值和小于1.00的后验概率。
Fig. 2 Phylogeny of Podophylloideae (See Chinese name in Appendix 1). (a) and (b) are topology of Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI). Bootstrap (BS) value from ML less than 100 and posterior probability (PP) from BI less than 1.00 are labeled on the nodes.
图3 鬼臼亚科的多样化历史。(a)鬼臼亚科分化时间树(节点处蓝色条带代表95%置信区间内的年龄范围), 以及用于HiSSE分析的4个形态性状和1个生境信息分布。其中, A表示有无蜜距(粉色为是, 灰色为否), B表示是否分布于东亚亚热带(绿色为是, 灰色为否), C表示果实类型(灰蓝色为干果, 灰色为浆果), D表示是否有假种皮(浅蓝色为是, 灰色为否), E表示是否有气生茎(深蓝色为是, 灰色为否)。(b)基于BAMM分析的鬼臼亚科的净多样化速率。(c)基于BAMM分析的淫羊藿属距长演化速率。(d)净多样化速率在系统树的分布。中文名称见附录1。
Fig. 3 Diversification history of Podophylloideae. (a) Dated phylogeny of Podophylloideae (horizontal bars at nodes indicate 95% credible intervals of the divergence time estimate), and 4 morphological characters and 1 habitat information used in HiSSE analysis. The colored squares labeled A?E corresponding to each species represents with or without spur (pink or grey), in or out of subtropical East Asia (green or grey), dry or fleshy fruit (bice or grey), with or without aril (light blue or grey), with or without aerial stem (dark blue or grey). (b) Diversification rate of Podophylloideae estimated by BAMM. (c) Rate of spur length evolution in Epimedium estimated by BAMM. (d) Diversification rate distribution on phylogenetic tree. See Chinese name in Appendix 1.
性状 Trait | 模型 Model | AIC | AICc | ΔAICc |
有距 vs. 无距 With vs. without spur | CID | 532.30 | 532.88 | 25.81 |
BiSSE | 505.82 | 507.07 | ||
CID-2 | 522.09 | 533.02 | 25.95 | |
CID-4 | 510.59 | 513.40 | 6.33 | |
FULL | 512.36 | 513.24 | 6.17 | |
东亚亚热带 vs. 非东亚亚热带 In vs. out of subtropical East Asia | CID | 531.12 | 531.70 | 27.54 |
BiSSE | 502.91 | 504.16 | ||
CID-2 | 512.13 | 513.01 | 8.85 | |
CID-4 | 511.13 | 513.94 | 9.78 | |
FULL | 521.24 | 532.16 | 28.00 | |
果实类型 Fruit type | CID | 495.95 | 496.53 | 20.94 |
BiSSE | 494.72 | 495.97 | 20.38 | |
CID-2 | 474.71 | 475.59 | ||
CID-4 | 490.38 | 493.20 | 17.60 | |
FULL | 502.27 | 513.20 | 37.61 | |
有假种皮 vs. 无假种皮 With vs. without aril | CID | 498.36 | 498.94 | 17.81 |
BiSSE | 496.64 | 497.89 | 16.76 | |
CID-2 | 480.25 | 481.13 | ||
CID-4 | 508.39 | 511.20 | 30.07 | |
FULL | 511.63 | 522.55 | 41.42 | |
有气生茎 vs. 无气生茎 With vs. without aerial stem | CID | 509.46 | 510.04 | 21.00 |
BiSSE | 487.79 | 489.04 | ||
CID-2 | 490.63 | 491.51 | 2.47 | |
CID-4 | 491.49 | 494.31 | 5.47 | |
FULL | 506.46 | 517.39 | 28.35 |
表3 HiSSE分析模型检测和各性状状态速率结果
Table 3 Model test and rates inferred from HiSSE analysis
性状 Trait | 模型 Model | AIC | AICc | ΔAICc |
有距 vs. 无距 With vs. without spur | CID | 532.30 | 532.88 | 25.81 |
BiSSE | 505.82 | 507.07 | ||
CID-2 | 522.09 | 533.02 | 25.95 | |
CID-4 | 510.59 | 513.40 | 6.33 | |
FULL | 512.36 | 513.24 | 6.17 | |
东亚亚热带 vs. 非东亚亚热带 In vs. out of subtropical East Asia | CID | 531.12 | 531.70 | 27.54 |
BiSSE | 502.91 | 504.16 | ||
CID-2 | 512.13 | 513.01 | 8.85 | |
CID-4 | 511.13 | 513.94 | 9.78 | |
FULL | 521.24 | 532.16 | 28.00 | |
果实类型 Fruit type | CID | 495.95 | 496.53 | 20.94 |
BiSSE | 494.72 | 495.97 | 20.38 | |
CID-2 | 474.71 | 475.59 | ||
CID-4 | 490.38 | 493.20 | 17.60 | |
FULL | 502.27 | 513.20 | 37.61 | |
有假种皮 vs. 无假种皮 With vs. without aril | CID | 498.36 | 498.94 | 17.81 |
BiSSE | 496.64 | 497.89 | 16.76 | |
CID-2 | 480.25 | 481.13 | ||
CID-4 | 508.39 | 511.20 | 30.07 | |
FULL | 511.63 | 522.55 | 41.42 | |
有气生茎 vs. 无气生茎 With vs. without aerial stem | CID | 509.46 | 510.04 | 21.00 |
BiSSE | 487.79 | 489.04 | ||
CID-2 | 490.63 | 491.51 | 2.47 | |
CID-4 | 491.49 | 494.31 | 5.47 | |
FULL | 506.46 | 517.39 | 28.35 |
图4 基于二态性状进行多样化速率推断的HiSSE分析结果。(a)?(e)依次为对于是否有距, 是否分布在东亚亚热带, 是否有假种皮, 是否有气生茎和果实类型等性状状态下, HiSSE所推断最优模型下的分化、成种和灭绝速率。
Fig. 4 Result of Hidden State Speciation and Extinction analysis. (a)?(e) illustrate net diversification rate, speciation rate and extinction rate under the best models of the following 5 binary-state traits: the existence of spur, subtropical East Asian distribution, the existence of aril, the existence of aerial stem and fruit type.
图5 基于定量性状进行多样化速率推断的QuaSSE分析结果: 距长-净多样化速率的分布, 最优模型为modal。图例从左到右分别显示单峰模型、逻辑斯蒂模型和线性模型, 上边一行有漂移率, 下边一行没有漂移率。
Fig. 5 Quantitative state-dependent diversification rate estimation based on QuaSSE analysis. Pattern of spur length- diversification rate, Modal is the best model. The legends showed, from left to right, the Modal, Sigmoid, and Linear models, with drift rates in the top row and no drift rates in the bottom row.
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