Biodiv Sci ›› 2005, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (5): 439-444. DOI: 10.1360/biodiv.050018
Special Issue: 探索长江流域物种的濒危机制
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Yufeng Yin, Hao Wang* , Ai Chen, Guoqi Liu
The Bamboo Stem Fragment (BSF) distinguishing method is an important component of the currently widely applied panda population survey methodology. The threshold for differentiating individuals was based on a difference in average stem fragment size of 2 mm. Droppings from the same individuals were collected in Wanglang National Nature Reserve, and BSF values were measured and analyzed for accuracy assessment of the method. When integrated with other data from published references, the results show that the BSF method has a high correct distinguishing ratio (CDR). In Wanglang, the sample CDR was 92.9%. For the wild panda population of Wolong, the sample CDR was 71.2%, and for the captive panda population, the CDR was 77.6%. One hundred bamboo fragments are typically collected from each dropping. Fewer frag-ments will decrease the CDR. For example, with 30 fragments the CDR decreases by 3.7%, while with 34 fragments the CDR decreases by 2.6%.
Yufeng Yin, Hao Wang, Ai Chen, Guoqi Liu. Accuracy assessment of the Bamboo Stem Fragment distinguishing method used in panda population surveys[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2005, 13(5): 439-444.
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