Biodiv Sci ›› 2006, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2): 172-180. DOI: 10.1360/biodiv.050195
• 论文 • Previous Articles
Kaiyuan Wan1,2, Fang Chen1*, Shusen Chen1, Zhixiang Zhong3 , Zuozhou Li1, Manli Su1
Abstract: Both the conditions of plant nutrient deficiency and excess can cause serious plant growth disorders, or even death. The main issue in plant nutrition research has always been to provide sufficient nutritional supplies through methods which improve soil fertility and provide essential mineral elements. Although research on plant nutrition has extended from traditional agroecosystems into natural ecosystems, it has not really ex-tended into the field of ex situ conservation for rare and endangered plants. Extensive ex situ conservation is under way in all of the Chinese botanical gardens. In the process, attention is paid to most of the plant species introduction requirements, but usually plant growth and reproduction is negatively affected after ex situ conservation. Past studies on plant species maintenance ex situ seldom include components related to available nutrient conditions required to sustain plant growth and reproduction. This paper therefore proposes three conservation strategies for ex situ conservation: (1) determining the priority list of plant species for nutrition research; (2) studying nutrient contents in natural soils, and (3) dynamic monitoring and diagnosis of the nutritional status of species maintained ex situ. These strategies provide valuable guidance for plant nutrition and conservation study, including theoretical explorations and practical problem solving.
Kaiyuan Wan, Fang Chen, Shusen Chen, Zhixiang Zhong, Zuozhou Li, Manli Su. On plant nutrition in ex situ conservation strategies for rare and endan-gered plants[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2006, 14(2): 172-180.
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