湖北七姊妹山亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林的 物种组成和群落结构
姚良锦, 姚兰, 易咏梅, 艾训儒, 冯广, 刘峻城, 林勇, 黄伟, 丁易, 臧润国
Species composition and community structure of a 6-ha subtropical evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest dynamics plot in the Qizimei Mountains, Hubei Province
Liangjin Yao, Lan Yao, Yongmei Yi, Xunru Ai, Guang Feng, Juncheng Liu, Yong Lin, Wei Huang, Yi Ding, Runguo Zang
2017, (3): 275
DOI: 10.17520/biods.2016180