生物多样性 ›› 2001, Vol. 09 ›› Issue (2): 129-137.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2001020

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应用16S rRNA基因V2高变区序列进行链霉菌分子分类


  1. 1 (河北大学生命科学学院,  河北保定 071002)
    2 (中国医学科学院医药生物技术研究所,  北京 100050)
  • 收稿日期:2001-01-02 修回日期:2001-03-19 出版日期:2001-05-20 发布日期:2001-05-20

Classification of Streptomyces with the V2 variable region in 16S rDNA

XU Ping,ZHANG Li-Ping,YU Li-Yan   

  1. 1 The College of Life Science , Hebei University , Baoding 071002
    2 Instit ute of Medical Biotechnology , Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences , Beijing 100050
  • Received:2001-01-02 Revised:2001-03-19 Online:2001-05-20 Published:2001-05-20

摘要: 用16S rRNA部分序列对Williams数值分类系统所包含的链霉菌属种或种群进行系统进化分析 。以包含16S rRNA 基因V2高变区在内的120 bp长核苷酸序列所作的系统进化树表明:这 些链霉菌可分为34个簇,其中大簇5个(包括27~85株菌株);中等大小簇3个(包括9~12 株菌);小簇8个(包括2~6株菌);单成员簇19个。结果同时表明,Williams数值分类系 统中根据形态、生理、生化特征进行归类而得的种或种群内存在较大异质性。

AbstractPartial nucleotide sequences (120 bp) of the 16S rRNA gene (rDNA) containing V22 variable region were compared in 357 strains of Streptomyces . Most of the Streptomyces strains fell into one large cluster-group. By sharing the same 16S rDNA sequences or very high similarity , they were clustered into five major , three middle and eight minor clusters , and 19 strains recovered as single member clusters. The result demonst rated that the phenotypic clusters , which contains st rains that are different in terms of morphologic characteristics , such as spore color and spore surface , is very heterogeneous from a molecular systematic stand point .