张乃鹏, 梁洪儒, 张焱, 孙超, 陈勇, 王路路, 夏江宝, 高芳磊

Effects of soil type and groundwater depth on spatial differentiation of typical salt marsh plant communities in the Yellow River Delta
Zhang Naipeng, Liang Hongru, Zhang Yan, Sun Chao, Chen Yong, Wang Lulu, Xia Jiangbao, Gao FangLei
图5 地下水埋深对贝壳砂土壤(a)和滨海潮土(b)表层土壤颗粒组成的影响(平均值 + 标准误)
Fig. 5 Effects of groundwater depth on the surface soil particle composition of shell sand soil (a) and coastal soil (b) (mean + SE)