王婷, 舒江平, 顾钰峰, 李艳清, 杨拓, 徐洲锋, 向建英, 张宪春, 严岳鸿

Insight into the studies on diversity of lycophytes and ferns in China
Ting Wang, Jiangping Shu, Yufeng Gu, Yanqing Li, Tuo Yang, Zhoufeng Xu, Jianying Xiang, Xianchun Zhang, Yuehong Yan
表4 中国石松类和蕨类植物红色名录评估
Table 4 Red list assessment of lycophytes and ferns in China
类别 Classification 总数
极危 Critically Endangered 濒危Endangered 易危Vulnerable 近危 Near Threatened 无危 Least Concern 数据缺乏 Data Deficient
Lycophytes and ferns in China
2,244 43 68 71 66 1,124 872
The wild lycophytes and ferns under state priority conservation
128 25 8 63 8 5 17
国家重点保护野生石松类和蕨类植物中的迁地保护植物 Ex situ conservation of wild lycophytes and ferns under state priority conservation 62 14 4 27 5 2 7