传粉昆虫下降背景下的授粉生态弹性: 内涵、机制和展望
谢正华, 王有琼, 曹军, 王健敏, 安建东

Ecological resilience of pollination in the face of pollinator decline: Content, mechanism and perspective
Zhenghua Xie, Youqiong Wang, Jun Cao, Jianmin Wang, Jiandong An
图5 连接周转引起授粉生态弹性的机制示意图。在生态系统中, 假设原传粉网络存在3种传粉昆虫(a1, a2, a3)和3种开花植物(p1, p2, p3) (A)。干扰作用下, 传粉昆虫和开花植物间部分连接消失但新的连接形成, 网络连接发生重连(B); 或者传粉昆虫下降, 对应的连接消失, 或新的传粉昆虫(a4)进入网络, 建立新连接, 传粉昆虫发生物种周转(C)。在传粉网络重连和物种周转的共同作用下, 传粉昆虫和开花植物形成传粉网络连接周转(D)。对开花植物来说, 连接周转前后传粉昆虫群落组成存在差异, 但原传粉网络中的传粉昆虫和连接周转后的传粉昆虫传播等量花粉, 形成授粉生态弹性(E)。黑线示意周转前传粉昆虫同开花植物间的联系, 红线示意形成的新连接。
Fig. 5 Conceptual diagram illustrating the mechanical effect of interaction turnover on ecological resilience of pollination. The ecosystem is hypothesized to have an original pollination network with three pollinators (a1, a2, a3) and three plants (p1, p2, p3) (A). Under disturbances, some interactions are lost but new interactions occur, forming interaction rewiring (B). Interactions are also lost as a result of pollinators decline, but new interactions is built as new pollinators (a4) enter the pollination network, resulting from species turnover of pollinators (C). The combined effect of interaction rewiring and species turnover explains an interaction turnover of the pollination network (D). For plants, their pollinator assemblages are different before and after interaction turnover, however, the amount of pollens delivered by the pollinator assemblages is the same. The pollinator communities have the ecological resilience of pollination (E). Black lines indicate the original interactions before interaction turnover and red lines indicate newly-built interactions after interaction turnover.