传粉昆虫下降背景下的授粉生态弹性: 内涵、机制和展望
谢正华, 王有琼, 曹军, 王健敏, 安建东

Ecological resilience of pollination in the face of pollinator decline: Content, mechanism and perspective
Zhenghua Xie, Youqiong Wang, Jun Cao, Jianmin Wang, Jiandong An
图2 不同传粉功能团间功能冗余引起授粉生态弹性的机制示意图。假设生态系统中3个传粉功能团(a、b和c)均为开花植物授粉(A), 当传粉功能团a沉降的花粉(黄色)数量和传粉功能团c沉降的花粉(橙色)数量下降时, 传粉功能团b沉降的花粉(蓝色)数量增加(B)。柱头花粉数总量保持不变, 传粉昆虫群落形成授粉生态弹性。
Fig. 2 Conceptual diagram showing the mechanical effect of functional redundancy among functional groups of pollinators on ecological resilience of pollination. Three functional groups (a, b and c) are supposed to pollinate the flowering plants in the ecosystems (A). When the amount of pollens delivered by functional group a (yellow) and functional group c (orange) decreases, the amount of pollens delivered by functional group b (blue) increases (B). The number of pollens deposited on stigma surfaces does not change. The pollinator communities have the ecological resilience of pollination.