
The updated checklists of amphibians and reptiles of China
Wang Kai,Ren Jinlong,Chen Hongman,Lyu Zhitong,Guo Xianguang,Jiang Ke,Chen Jinmin,Li Jiatang,Guo Peng,Wang Yingyong,Che Jing
表1 两栖、 爬行动物属级分类变动1:原属依旧有效,而原属内仅部分物种的属级分类需要厘定。原属、种中文名指蔡波等(2015)、《中国两栖类信息系统》或相关文献曾使用的中文名。“-”表示该项未有变动,与先前一致。 其中突肛树蛙(Zhangixalus pachyproctus)及山地龙蜥(Diploderma swild)在原始描述时已经考虑了本文接受的属级分类变动(Yu et al, 2019b; Wang K et al, 2019f,故在此未列出。
Table 1 Generic-level taxonomic changes for amphibians and reptiles of China between 2015 and 2019, part 1: the either previous genus still remains valid, and only some species of that genus experience taxonomic changes at the generic level. The former Chinese common names refer to the ones used in AmphibiaChina (2015), in the previous reptilian checklistby Cai et al (2015), or in other related literature. “-” indicates no change occurs. For species of the referred genera, as the original descriptions of Zhangixalus pachyproctus and Diploderma swild already adopted the taxonomic changes we discuss here (Yu et al, 2019b; Wang K et al, 2019f), hence they were not included in the table.